Chapter 48

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"Meet me in the back."



I try to keep from getting sick as we look at the new victims dead body. "You okay?" Dean whispers to me, placing a hand at my lower back. "Yeah, I'm fine. Let's just finish this." I swallow hard. "These hearts both have identical mars." Sam points out and I look closer at the marks. "I think it's Enochian." I say.

"What? You mean lik angel scratches? So, you think it's like the tagging on our ribs?" Dean asks. "I don't know." I say before running to the nearest trash can and getting sick. Ugh hangovers suck. "Rough night I'm guessing." I hear Sam say. "You have no idea." Dean responds and I flip them both off as I throw up some more.

"Cas, it's Dean. Yeah, room 31-c, basement level...St. James Medical Center." I hear Dean say as I straighten up and wipe my mouth.

Turning around Cas is in the room holding a phone to his ear. "I'm there now." He says. "Yeah, we get that." I say as I walk over, Dean handing me a piece of gum. I take it and take off the wrapper and put it in my mouth, starting to chew.

"Skye is right. These are angelic marks. I imagine you'll find similar marks on the other couples hearts as well." Cas says as he looks over the bodies.

"So, what are they? I mean, what do they mean?" Sam asks. "It's a mark of union. This man and woman were intended to mate." He says. "Okay, but who put them there?" I ask him. "Well, your people call them Cupid." He says as I give him a 'are you serious' look. "I'm sorry what?" I ask.

"What human myth has mistaken for cupid is actually a lower order of angel. Technically it's a cherub, third class." He says. "Cherub?" Dean asks. "Yeah, they're all over the world. There are dozens of them." He says.

"You mean the little flying fat kid in diapers?" Dean asks. "They're not incontinent." Cas glares at him. "Okay, anyway. So, what you're saying" Cas cuts off Sam. "What I'm saying is a Cupid has gone rogue and we have to stop him...before he kills again." Cas says seriously. "Of course we do." I say.


The waitress brings me a coffee, Sam a salad, and Dean a cheeseburger. "I still don't get why Skye has been wearing sunglasses indoors again. "She's hungover." Dean says and I stomp on his foot making him groan in pain.

"So, what, you just happen to know he likes the cosmos at this place?" Sam asks Cas, trying to get back to the case. "This place is a nexus of human reproduction. It's exactly the kind of garden the Cupid will come pollinate." Cas says as he tries not to get distracted by Dean trying to give me French fries. I slap Dean's hand away and continue to take sips of my coffee.

"Come on open up." Dean chuckles as he tries again to shove a French fry in my mouth. I lean back away from the fry. "I will throw up on you." I warn and he pulls his hand away, laughing before shoving it in his mouth.

"I'll have some fries." Cas says as he reaches over and grabs some from Dean's plate and eats them. "He's here." Cas adds, with a mouth full of fries. "Where? I don't see anything." Dean says as he looks around.

"There." Cas points his thumb behind him and I look over and see a side booth with a couple there. "You mean the side booth couple over there?" I ask. "Meet me in the back." Cas says before grabbing more fries off Dean's plate and eating them.

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