Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

"Weird enough to be our guy. I'll send Kylie and Sam a text to meet us there."




Dean puts some things in a refrigerator, closing the fridge before turning around.


There is a sandwich on the table, about a foot tall. "I'm gonna need a bigger mouth." Dean chuckles.


Sam enters the room.


"Hey there, Sam. What's happening?" Dean chuckles. "Oh, nothing. Um. Just the end of the world." He says sarcastically.


Sam sees the sandwich. "You're gonna need a bigger mouth." He chuckles.


"Hey, uh, have you and Skye done your parts of the research?" He asks. "Oh, yeah. All kinds of research. All night." Dean smirks. "Yeah?" Sam asks as he is starting to become suspicious. The bathroom door opens. Skye ina bikini comes out.


"Oh, Dean." She says seductively. "We have some more research to do." Dean says to Sam as he quickly goes in front of Skye, to cover her. "Dean. Skye." Sam says as folds his arms.


"Son of a bitch!" Dean yells.



"What are you watching?" Dean asks me. "Hospital show. Dr. Sexy, MD. I think it's based on a book." I say as I focus on the show. "When did you hit menopause?" Dean asks. "It's called channel surfing." I scoff as I get up, turning off the TV. I grab my suit jacket off the other bed and puts it on.

"You ready?" I ask him. "Are you?" He asks me.


"One more time, the FBI is here why, exactly?" The cop asks us. "Might have something to do with one of your locals getting his head ripped off." Dean scoffs. "Bill Randolph died from a bear attack." The cop says. "How sure are you that it was even a bear?" I ask the cop.

"What else would it be?" The cop asks. "Well, whatever it was, it chased Mr. Randolph through the woods, smashed through his front door, followed him up the stairs and killed him in his bedroom. Is that common, a bear doing all that?" Dean asks the cop, knowing that it's no fucking bear.

"Depends how pissed off it is, I guess. Look, the Randolphs live way up in high country. You got trout runs to make a grown man weep. And bears." The cop says. "Right. Now, what about Mrs. Randolph? The file says she saw the whole thing." I say. "Yes, she did. My heart goes out to that poor woman." The cop says.

"She said bear." Dean says. "Kathy Randolph went through a hell of a trauma. She's confused." She says as she leads us to interviewing room. "What did she say?" I ask. "Ask her yourself." As she lets us into the room that Kathy is in.

Dean and I sit across from her. "It must have been a bear. I mean, what else could it have been?" She asks us. "Mrs. Randolph, what do you think it was?" I ask her. "No. I, I remember clearly now." She smiles. :It was definitely a bear." She says. "We're sure it was. But see, it helps us to hear every angle. So, just tell us what you thought you saw." Dean says.

"It's impossible, but...I could have sworn I saw...the Incredible Hulk." She gulps. "The Incredible Hulk?" I ask, starting to feel like this is a dead end. "I told you it was crazy." She frowns. "Bana or Norton?" Dean asks. "Oh, no, those movies were terrible. The TV Hulk." She says. "Lou Ferrigno?" I ask. "Yes." She smiles.

"Spiky-hair Lou Ferrigno." Dean says. "Yes." She says. "Huh." Sjye huffs. "You think I'm crazy." She scoffs. "No. Uh, no, it's there, uh, would there be any reason that Lou Ferrigno, the Incredible Hulk, would have a grudge against your husband?" I ask. "No." She says. "No." Dean sighs, giving up. 



I am sitting on the bed on my laptop, looking at an article in the Wellington Guardian about a local man who was killed in a bear attack. I look up when I hear the bathroom door open and I see Skye come out, brushing her teeth as she wears one of my shirts that is to big for her.

"Find anything?" She asks. "Well, uh, Sam and Kylie saw a house." I say. "And?" She asks. "And there is a giant eight-foot-wide hole where the front door used to be. Almost like, uh..." I trial off, loss for words.

"A Hulk-sized hole." She says. "Maybe." I shrug. "What do you got?" She asks as she heads back into the bathroom, sound of the sink running is heard as she spits. "Well, it turns out that Bill Randolph had quite the temper. He's got two counts of spousal battery, bar brawls, and court-rodered anger management sessions. You might say you wouldn't like him when he's angry." I say.

"So a hothead getting killed by TV's greatest hothead. Kinda sounds like just desserts, doesn't it?" Skye giggles as she washes her face, I snort. "It's all starting to make sense."

"How is it starting to make sense?" She asks as she turns the sink off and grabs a towel to dry her face. "Well, Kylie found something else at the crime scene today." I say. "What did she find" She asks as she crawls into bed next to me. "Candy wrappers. Lots of them." I tell her. "Just desserts, sweet tooth, screwing with people before you kil 'em...we're dealing with the Trickster, aren't we?" She asks.

"Sure looks like it." I sigh. "Good. I've wanted to gank that mother fucker since Mystery Spot." She growls. "You sure?" I ask her. "Yeah, I'm sure." She says. "No, I mean are you sure you wanna kill him?" I ask her. "Son of a bitch didn't think twice about icing you a thousand times." She scoffs. "No, I know, I mean, I'm just saying..." I sigh. "What are you saying? If you don't want me to kill him, then what?" She asks me.

"Talk to him?" I ask. "What?" She asks. "Think about it, Skye. He's one of the most powerful creatures we've ever met. Maybe we can use him." I say to her. "For what?" She asks. "Okay. Trickster's like a Hugh Hefner type, right? Wine, women, song...maybe he doesn't want the party to end. Maybe he hates this angels and demons stuff as much as we do. Maybe he'll help us." I say to her.

""You're serious." She says. "Yeah." I say to her. "Ally with the trickster." She says. "Yeah." I say. "A bloody, violent monster, and you wanna be Facebook friends with him? Nice, Dean." She scoffs as she turns on her side, facing away from me, turning off her lamp.

"The world is gonna end, Skye. We don't have the luxury of moral stand. Look, I'm just saying it's worth a shot. That's all. If it doesn't work, we'll kill him." I say.

I hear her sigh and she truns over to face me. "How are we gonna find the guy, anyway?" She asks. "Well, he never takes just one victim, right? He'll show." I say. "Um, dispatch? I, I got a possible 187 out here at the old paper mill on Route 6." A male voice comes over the scanner.

"Nooo." Skye groans as she flops her head back on the pillow. "Roger that. What are you looking at there, son?" The dispatcher replies back. "Honestly, wait. I...I wouldn't even know how to describe what I'm seeing. Just send everybody." The male voice yells.

"All right, stay calm, stay by your car. Help's on the way." The dispatcher tells the panicking male as I turn off the scanner as both Skye and I begin to get dressed. "That sounds weird." I say to her. "Weird enough to be our guy. I'll send Kylie and Sam a text to meet us there." Skye says as she pulls out her phone.

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