Chapter 44

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"All of a sudden, really remind me of my dad."




"Are you sure you're okay, Sam?" John asks, making me look over at Sam who is staring at Mary who is visibly uncomfortable. "Oh, yeah, yeah. Um, I'm just, are so beautiful." He says to Mary. Oh come on Sam don't blow our cover. "He means that in a...a non weird, wholesome, family kind of a way." I say.

"Yeah, right." Sam smiles. "We haven't seen Mary quite some time, and see, she's the spitting image of our mom." I say. "It's eerie." Sam sighs. "So, how are you guys related?" John asks.

"You know, uh, distantly." Skye says. "Oh. So, you knew Mary's parents?" He asks. "Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Mary's dad was, uh, pretty much like a grandpa to us." I say. "Oh. That was tragic...that heart attack." He sighs as he reaches over to take Mary's hand.

"Yes, it was." I sigh. "So, uh, what are you guys doing in town, anyway?" He asks. "Uh, business, you know." Skye says. "Oh, yeah? What line of work?" He asks. "Plumbing" "Scrap Metal." Sam and I say at the same time, making Mary stand up. "Oh, gosh. It's almost seven. I hate to e rude, but I got to get dinner ready." She says.

"Maybe they could stay." John smiles. "I'm sure they have to leave." Mary says as the phone rings. "Uh, look, please stay. You know, it would mean a lot to me. I haven't met much of Mary's side of the family." John says as he stands up and goes to answer the phone.

"You have to leave. Now." Mary says. "Okay, just listen" "No, you listen. Last time I saw you and Skye, a demon killed my parents. Now you two waltz in here like you're family? Whatever you Leave me alone." She says.

"You and John are in danger." Sam says. "What are you talking about?" She asks. "Something's coming for you." Skye says. "Demon?" She asks. "Not exactly." I sigh. "Well, what, then?" She asks. "It's kind of hard to explain, okay?" Skye says. "An angel." Sam blurts out, making Mary laugh. "What? There's no such thing." She says.

"I wish. But they're twice as strong as demons. And bigger dicks." I say. "Why would an angel want to kill us?" She asks. "It's a long story, and we'll tell you the whole thing, but right now, you've got to trust us, and we got to go. Look at my face and tell me if I'm lying to you." I say to her, making her look at me. "Okay. Where do we go?" She asks.

"Out of here. We got to move now, though." Sam says. "Okay. But what do I tell John?" She asks. "Just tell him..." I say as I start to look around as I don't hear John speaking on the phone no more. "John?" I call out as I walk into the kitchen and find a note by the phone saying

Back in 15 –J.



John walks through the garage, which is dark and otherwise empty of people. "Mr. Woodson? You still here?" John calls out as he turns on a light to only find Mr. Woodson lying on the ground face down.

John goes over to him and turns him over to find that his bosses eyes have been burned out, making John back away and turn around to leave only to find Anna right behind him, who grabs him and flings him across the room into a tall shelf, making it fall over.

Anna watches as John get up and its her with a crowbar, sprawling her across the floor. She groans and stands up, flinging John over a car.

Anna turns around to find Dean with an angel blade. She grabs Dean's wrist and neck, making him try to pry her hand off his neck. "I wish I could say it's good to see you, Anna." He gasps for breathe. "You too, Dean." She sighs, before sending him flying out the window.

Mary picks up the angel blade that was dropped, twirling it to a better grip, and advances.

John looks up and sees Mary fighting like an expert. Mary cuts Anna's hand right before she ducks as Mary takes another swing but Anna vanishes.

Mary looks around as Anna appears behind her, she strikes again but Anna catches her. "I'm sorry." She says before flinging Mary into a windshield. Mary crawls over the car, away from Anna as she starts to advance slowly.

Mary slides off the car, stumbling to a bench, grabbing a crowbar, turning around and drives it into Anna's chest but nothing happens, making Mary stare in surprise as Anna pulls out the bloody crowbar and drops it.

"Sorry. It's not that easy to kill an angel." Anna smirks. "No." Skye says making Anna look over at them as her and Sam stand next to a bloody sigil and Sam presses his palm to the sigil, burning as Anna vanishes, this time more permanently. Mary catches her breath as John stares at the four of them.



"Monsters. Monsters?" John repeats, not believing what he heard as he drives the Imapla. "Yes." Mary says from the passenger seat. "Monsters are real." John says. "I'm sorry. I didn't know how to tell you." She says. "And you fight them? All of you?" John asks as he looks at Sam, Skye and I from the rear-view mirror as the three of us are sitting in the back seat.

"Yeah." Skye says. "How long?" He asks. "All my life. John, just try to understand." Mary begs. "She didn't exactly have a choice." I say. "Shut up, all of you! Look, not another word, or so help me, I will turn this car around!" John yells.

"Wow. Awkward family road trip." I whisper to Skye. "No kidding." She whispers back as we arrive at the Campbell house.

We all get out and follow Mary inside. "Place has been in the family for years." She says as she switches on the lights and then flips up a round carpet. "Devil's trap. Pure iron fixtures, of course." She says as she turns on other light switches.

"Um, there should be salt and holy water in the pantry, knives, guns." Mary says. "All that stuff will do is piss her off." Skye says. "So, what will ill her? Or slow her down, at least?" Mary asks. "Not much." Sam says.

"Great." Mary scoffs. "He said not much, not nothing. We packed." I say as I set down the duffel bag on the table and rummages in it. "If we put this up and she comes close we beam her right off the starship." I say, showing her the angel-banishing sigil.

"This is holy oil. It's kind of like a devil's trap fpr angels. Come on. I'll show you how it works." Skye says as her and Mary go into another room with Sam following behind them.

"Hey, what's the deal with the thing on the paper?" John asks me. "It's a sigil. That means" "I don't care what it means. Where does it go?" John asks. "On the wall or a door." I say. "How big should I make it?" He asks.

"John." I sigh. "What? Y'all might have treated me like a fool, but I am not useless. I can draw a damn, whatever it is...a sigil." He growls. "Why don't you go help Sam out with the girls? Cause this has got to be done's got to be done in human blood." I say.

John picks up the knife, unsheathing it before slicing his left palm open. "So, how big?" He asks. "I'll show you." I say as he laughs. "What?" He asks. "All of a sudden, really remind me of my dad." I say.

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