Chapter 68

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"Don't you dare bring her into this!"


Castiel, Adam, Dean, and Sam all exit the building, carrying gallon jugs of blood and put them in the trunk of the Impala. Dean walks over to Bobby who just arrived. Three days ago, Bobby had made a deal with Crowley to get him able to walk again.

Bobby gets out of his truck and walks over towards us. "So, was I right?" He asks in determination. He is just as determined to get Skye back as Dean. Bobby has always seen Skye like a daughter and he has the right to feel that way considering her parents chose him as her Godfather. "As always, Yoda. Four stunt demons inside, just like you said." Dean says.

"You okay?" Bobby asks him. "Not really. What do you got?" Dean quickly changes the topic and Bobby understood why. He knows Dean isn't doing well with not knowing if Skye is okay. All he knows is Skye got trapped in that Angel room with Michael and that there is a small chance that Michael didn't kill her for killing Zachariah, all we know is she is either dead or being worn as Michael's meat suit.

"Not much. These look like omens to you?" He hands Dean a newspaper, Dean takes it and opens it up. "Cyclone in Florida, temperature drop in Detroit, wildfires in L.A." Bobby says to him. "Wait. What about Detroit?" Dean asks him as he looks up at Bobby, he completely missed what he said while reading the paper but caught about the wildfires in L.A.

"Temp's dropped about 20 degrees, but only in a five-block radius of downtown Motown." Bobby says. "That's the one. Devil's in Detroit." Dean says as he hands Bobby back the newspaper and opens the driver's side door.

"Really? As far as foreboding goes, it's a little light in the loafers. You sure?" Bobby asks as he looks at Sam, Cas, and Adam who also look unsure before he looks back at Dean who is getting in his car, starting it up.

As much as Bobby and the other's want to trust Dean's judgement they are concerned if Dean is just grasping onto the details without fully examining them and looking into them, they all know that saving Sam and getting Skye back is in the front of his mind and he will do anything to have them safe.

"Yeah, Im sure! Now let's go." Dean snaps as she slams the car door. Bobby let's out a sigh before the other's get into the Impala and he walks back over to his truck, getting in and following them to Detroit.

"I got a bad feeling about this." Cas says from the back seat. "Well, you'd be nuts to have a good feeling about it." Dean chuckles. "You know what I mean. Detroit. The Devil always said he'd jump Sam's bones in Detroit. Here we are." Cas says.

"Here we are." Sam sighs. "Maybe this is him rolling out the red carpet, you know? Maybe he knows something that we don't." Dean says. "Dean, I'm sure he knows a buttload we don't. We just got to hope he doesn't know about the rings. Hey, um...on the subject, there's something I got to talk to you about." Sam says.

"What?" Dean asks. "This thing goes our way and I triple lindy into that know I'm not coming back...but Skye might. We don't know a 100 percent though." Sam says honestly.

Dean grips the steering wheel and keeps his eyes on the road. "Yeah, I'm aware." He says but deep down he hopes that he doesn't lose Sam and he hopes that Michael will leave Skye's body, that's if he didn't kill her. The knot in his stomach tightens as he thinks about Skye being dead and he's doing this for nothing and putting Sam in danger for nothing.

"So, you got to promise me something and Skye something." Sam says. "Okay. Yeah. Anything." Dean says. "You to promise not to try to bring us back." Sam says. "What? No, I didn't sign up for that." Dean shakes his head, his knuckles turning white from gripping the steering wheel to tight.

"Dean..." "Your hell is gonna make my tour look like Graceland. You want me just to sit by and do nothing?" Dean scoffs. "Once the Cage is shut, you can't go poking at it, Dean. It's too risky." Cas says, jumping into the conversation.

"No. As if I'm just gonna let you rot in there and Skye be possessed by a fucking angel the rest of her life." Dean scoffs as he shakes his head. "Yeah, you are. You don't have a choice." Sam says to him. "You can't ask me to do this." Dean gulps. "I'm sorry, Dean. You have to. Skye would want you to as well, but she isn't here to say it." Sam looks down.

"Don't you dare bring her into this!" Dean yells, making everyone jump in their seats.. 

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