Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

"Do it quick. We leave town tomorrow."



Skye, Bobby, Kylie, Sam, and Dean all sit in Bobby's van, watching people go by.

Patrick comes out of a building, checking his watch as he crosses the street; without looking. Noticing too late that a car is coming.

It slams right into him, the driver getting out and checking his injuries. It doesn't look like Patrick can have survived cause the driver runs to the construction crew down the street.

"Guys, get some help! He came out of nowhere! Right out in front of me!" The driver yells as everyone in Bobby's van all stare.

A car drive's by with Patrick in the driver's seat. Skye and Dean laugh. "I got to say, I kind of like the guy." Dean says.


They have followed Patrik to a Skyscraper Apartment Building and now have watched him leave, getting in his car and driving off, with the group following him to another apartment building.

They get out and follow Patrick from a far inside the building.

Reaching the elevators they find a out of order sorry for the inconvenience sign.

"Well, I'm out." Bobby sighs and goes back to the van.

The rest of the group go to the stairs.

Reaching the very top floor they head, Dean breathing heavily, they head to room 3701. Skye sorting through lockpicks. The lock clicks open and they enter, searching the place. Dean opens an armoire, knocking on the back, he starts to move things and opens the false back, finding a safe. "Guys." He says, making them come over. "Dime-store model. Piece of cake." Kylie smirks.

She grabs it and turns the dial and she reads the numbers.

Opening it, finding a few poker chips in the safe. "What are you doing?" Lia says as she had walked into the office to grab something but instead finding them. "Aren't you the chick from the bar?" Dean asks. "I'm a lot more than that." She scoffs as she throws her hand, clenching it into a fist, up and twists, causing Dean to double over.

Patrick hurries up into the office and puts a hand on her arm. "It's alright, sweetheart. It's all right. They're harmless." He says to her. Lia lets Dean go as Patrick steps in front of her. "You guys want chips? Take 'em. They're just chips. Einsteins. It's showmanship. This may come as a shock, but the magic does not lie in a pile of crappy plywood or in any phony abracadabra. It's in the nine-hundred-year-old witch. You people want years? Score 'em the old-fashioned way. Texas hold 'em." He says as he chews on his toothpick. "Fine. Let's do it." Dean says as Patrick pulls out a card from his pocket. It's the eight of hearts. "What card am I holding up." He says. Dean squints at it and doesn't answer. "That's what I thought. If your eyesight's that bad, what about your memory? I'm not a murderer. You, on the other hand..." He trails off. "No." Dean says.

"Dean." Skye sighs. "What, Skye not much of a player? Okay, well, happy trails, Dean. Enjoy the twilight of your life. Should have taken better care of that ticker, though." He chuckles as he opens the door. "You're free to go." He says.


"You know, I think I should play." Skye says. "No. You're not good enough. I'm better. Bobby's way better. We both lost." Dean says. "Exactly." Kylie says. "So, what? So I don't geta say in this anymore?" She asks Dean. "Skye...when you get to be our age..." "You're thirty. We are dating. We are supposed to get engaged then married then have a family." She glares at him. "Knowing the game is not enough, Skye. It's not about playing the cards." He yells at her.

"It's about playing the other guy. I know that." She says. "Well, hooray for you. All I'm saying is, I played this guy. I know his style. I can take him." He says. "No, Dean. You don't have enough years in the bank." She says. "I got enough." He says. "So what if I do, huh? Exactly am I living for, huh? The damn apocalypse?" He growls. "Dean." She sniffles.

"What? No." Dean says to her. "You aren't playing again. There's another way out of this. There's got to be. And I'm gonna find it." Skye says as she opens the motel room.

Lia is sitting on the bed, holding a piece of paper, with Bobby, Kylie and Sam looking at her. "What is this?" Dean asks. "The most powerful reversal spell you've ever laid your eyes on." Lia says.

"And it reverses what?" Bobby asks her. "Patrick's work...all of it." She says. " saying I could be normal again?" Dean asks her. "You and everyone else he's ever played." She says. "Who's still alive, that is." She corrects herself.

"Why the fuck should we trust you?" Kylie asks her. "Trust me. Don't trust me. I don't care. The spell is real." She says as she gets up, heading for the door. "If it zaps everyone, don't that include your man?" Sam asks her. "And me, too. I look good for my age." She winks. "Lady, this don't add up for shit. Why would you want that?" Bobby asks.

"I have my reasons." She looks at her silver locket. "Do it quick. We leave town tomorrow." She says before leaving.  

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