Chapter 18

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"What the fuck was that?" Savannah asked me, clutching on to me tighter as she pulled herself closer to me.

"Uhm it sounded like a door to me, but let's not jump to conclusions" I said swallowing hard as I wrapped my arms around her, both for comfort and to hide her exposed self from whoever could be in the house.

"Do you think someone came over to see if it was empty and saw that we were here and left?" she asked sitting back on her knees, her hand still clutching on to my arm tightly as I pulled the blanket around her shoulders.

"I don't think so. They are all staying in my house tonight. Unless Kyle and Emmy wanted to get away" I said sitting myself down next to her and pulling my shirt back over my head.

"Where are you going?" she asked quietly.

"I'm not just going to sit here if someone is in my guest house Savannah. Especially not with you here" I said getting up and instantly cursing to myself that I didn't bring a gun over with me.

"I'm coming" she said, pushing the blanket from her shoulders and throwing her shirt over her head as she started to get up.

I wanted to tell her no, to stay where she was and wait for me to come back, but then thought about how stupid that would be. What if whoever was here-or still is here-came back when I was looking for them and took her. I know I was being irrational, it was probably nothing but with everything going on I couldn't be so sure.

"Okay" I said as she stood up and grabbed my hand. She held on tightly as she walked behind me as we slowly made our way to the front of the house.

Sure enough the carpet to the entrance of the house was askew. My heart started to immediately beat quickly in my chest as I felt adrenaline course through my veins. How the fuck could this be happening and why was it happening? Who wanted to ruin my relationship this badly that they were sneaking around trying to get information on us.

"Austin, there are no lights on over here who even knows that we are here?" Savannah asked me quietly as she wrapped her hands around my bicep and pulled herself close to me.

"I don't know Savannah" I said feeling pissed that I couldn't provide her the answer that she needed.

"Austin..." she said quietly.

"Yeah baby?" I said looking down at her over my shoulder.

Her head was turned toward the island in the kitchen and I could feel her heart pounding against my arm as she pointed over towards the small light illuminating from the counter top. I grabbed her hand again and walked with her over towards the counter where her cellphone was laying on the countertop, lit up with a message. I picked it up and quickly hit the message button to see that it was from her new unknown friend.

you forgot this next door, so i had someone deliver it to you. hope you enjoy your romantic night. how did he convince u this would be a good place to go? i'm sure he told u he wanted to be alone with u, he loves to use that as an excuse to hide his girls. well nighty night.

She let go of my hand as she started to walk away from me, aimlessly passing the cozy, dimly lit living room and walking down the dark hall. The text got to her, I know it did. I could tell by how she walked away from me. But this wasn't a lame excuse for me to hide her. I really wanted to spend our last night before tour alone, I wanted to let her know she was everything to me and that nothing would come between us. Fuck, I wanted it to be perfect.

stop trying to fuck this up for me. u kno nothing of how my relationship is with savannah.

we're just trying to wake her up to the reality of being with Post Malone. u can keep blocking us all u want but we will keep getting through.

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