Chapter 42

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We continued walking around the gardens, slowly making our way through the many paths that weaved their way throughout, our hands clutched together as we playfully joked with each other. Her beautiful laugh making the corners of my lips turn up into a smile every time I heard it. I would smile as she would stop often to literally smell the roses and all of the other flowers that littered the grounds.

I was hoping that today did nothing more than take her mind off of everything that she had found out happened to her in the last twenty four hours, and judging by her happy demeanor I would say that it had worked. My goal wasn't for her to forget entirely, I know that she would never be able to do that, but for me to fill her day with enough things for her to forget. She deserved that much and I was happy that our date day together was doing just that.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket to see that it was already seven, my mind quite surprised that time had passed by so quickly. I slowly slid it back into my pocket, feeling it settle at the bottom with a heavy thud as it caused a slight tug on the waistband on my jeans. I watched her with a smile as she was casually leaning up against the metal railing of a foot bridge that arched beautifully over a still pond complete with several ducks floating around underneath her, the mountains starting to glow with the setting sun.

She carelessly stared out at her surroundings, her face lighting up at the ducks that were occupying the dark water below as they started playfully dipping their beaks into the water and fluffing their feathers as if they were taking their daily shower, not even minding that her beautiful eyes were gazing upon their otherwise intimate and personal actions.

"Baby come look" she said as she turned her gaze towards me, my heart feeling like it was going to stop in my chest as I took in her happy demeanor, her face like a child who was experiencing Christmas for the first time. I walked up behind her, my arms settling around her waist as she leaned her head back against my chest. She rested her own hands on top of mine, her thumbs rubbing gently over the heavily inked tops of mine as she let out a long sigh.

"Did you enjoy your day Savannah?" I asked her quietly, my lips slowly connecting with the soft skin of her neck before I rested my chin on top of her shoulder, her head leaning in to mine as she stood mute for just a few seconds.

"I did baby, so much. It was everything I needed and more" she said quietly, a small smile tugging at the corners of my lips as I focused them on her well defined jawline, slowly dragging them down the short distance before she turned her head to look at me.

Our eyes did a seductive dance with each other, her body turning just slightly to alleviate the awkwardness of her head turn before we connected our lips together in a sweet kiss, the emotion behind it more that of practiced lovers. Our lips moved together as if they knew each other for centuries rather than weeks, knowing exactly what pace to move and at just what time it was appropriate to take it to the next step.

I slowly ran my tongue against the softness of her bottom lip letting her know that I needed more, her lips parting for me happily as my tongue slowly invaded her mouth greeting hers with the eagerness of two long lost friends. She spun around completely in my arms, her back resting up against the cold metal railing of the bridge, my arms wrapped low around her waist and hers wrapped tightly around my inked neck as we shared our intimate moment with the happy ducks floating beneath us.

We pulled away after minutes later, her head resting against my chest as I gently rested my chin on the crown of her head, my strong hands running up and down the expanse of her back as the wind started to blow gently over us, small goosebumps starting to form on her skin as I tried to shield her from the light breeze.

"You ready for the end of our night sweetheart?" I asked her, my arms enveloping her completely as I squeezed her slightly, a small bought of laughter drifting from within her as I pressed my lips softly into the crown of her head, my eyes closing briefly before I pulled myself away.

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