Chapter 52

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"Okay confession" Jodie said to us with a smile, her body turning in her seat to look at both of us, her eyes lingering on Savannah before bringing her gaze over towards mine.

"Just say it Jode" I laughed, squeezing Savannah tightly against me as I leaned down and placed a small kiss on to the top of her head.

"I kinda already knew that honey. When I was pregnant with my son Mitch the smell and even sight of eggs turned my stomach" she laughed, Savannah's head tilting up to look at me with a small smile that I happily returned to her, my lips coming to rest on hers before she gave Jodie her full attention again.

"So I figured I'd give the old egg thing a shot since all of the other symptoms that you were telling me all seemed to add up to one thing, and the way you acted with the eggs was enough for me" she smiled as she got herself out of the chair and walked over to the both of us.

"Are you upset?" I asked her, my hand moving slowly up and down Savannah's back as I waited for her to verbally express her answer. I know that she had told me earlier, but I felt like Savannah needed to hear this too.

"Austy, of course I am not upset with you. If you were with someone besides this lovely woman would I be, maybe" she said with a laugh, my face turning red as I rubbed at the back of my neck knowing that she was referring to my string of relationships with girls that weren't even close to being wife material let alone mothers.

"Congratulations honey! I'm here for you whenever you need me okay?" she said to Savannah as she grabbed her hand in hers.

"Thank you so much!" she said, letting go of my hand as she wrapped her arms around Jodie's neck, her body starting to shake around her as a nervous look came over my face. Jodie looking up at me with a smile before as she just barely shook her head as she started to rub her back.

"You're welcome honey. Also I hope those are tears of joy" she laughed as Savannah pulled herself away from her.

"They are, they most definitely are" Savvi laughed nodding her head as I reached out snd grabbed her hand in mine, flashing her a wide smile as I gave her hand a warm and reassuring squeeze. "I just, my Mom isn't going to be here through all of this so I really appreciate you telling me that" she said wiping her tears, now a small chuckle leaving her lips. "And now I'm laughing, I'm so sorry" she smiled as she wiped at the tears with her free hand, Jodie smiling.

"Honey don't be sorry! It's normal during the first few months. Austin is going to have so much fun!" she laughed looking over at me.

"I'll just get tons of ice cream, chocolate and pickles. Those are things pregnant women crave right?" I laughed, wrapping both arms around Savannah this time, her arms doing the same as she laid her head softly on my chest.

"Then I'll be a thousand pounds and you will never love me!" Savannah laughed at me playfully as I smiled down at her.

Her statement made me laugh slightly as I couldn't believe she didn't realize there was nothing that she could do that would make me stop loving her. She didn't have any makeup on, she looked more tired than I did after doing shows consecutively for a week but she still looked like the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. A new glow on her skin that I knew was from our baby.

"Savvi that couldn't be any further from the truth, especially not now. Every change that you are going to go through is going to be the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. It's only going to make me love you even more" I smiled down at her, completely forgetting that Dad and Jodie were right in front of us as I placed my lips delicately on hers, moving them slowly as we savored every feel of our lips pressed against each other. The sound of Jodie clearing her throat bringing us back down to Earth as we pulled apart with a small suction sound.

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