Chapter 43

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I woke up the next morning well before Savannah which did not come as a surprise to me in the slightest. The sun was just starting to peak over the mountains, the sky a bright blue with not a cloud in it and the birds were chirping happily outside. I couldn't help but smile at the beauty surrounding me, feeling like I was the luckiest man to be alive.

I turned my head to look at my beautiful sleeping wife next to me, the sun that was streaming in from the window putting a heavenly glow over her features making it hard for me to not stare at the beautiful angel that was laying next to me. I leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, her body moving so she was cuddling closer to me as I gently wrapped my arms around her pulling her close to me.

I held her for several minutes, enjoying the feel of her body against mine as her warm breath started to tickle my neck causing me to smile as I tried to suffocate the laugh that was trying to leave my lips at her involuntary actions. Although I was comfortable holding her in my arms and suddenly had no ambition to move, I knew that she was going to be hurting this morning and wanted to do anything I could to help alleviate her hangover before I drug her to the Vivent Arena for the show later and also to meet my parents for the first time.

Without trying to make too much motion, I slowly slid from underneath her positioning my pillow in such a way where she would feel like I was still around her. I carefully pulled the heavy duvet back over her, hoping that the weight of it would also make her think I was still lying next to her, before leaning down and placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. I stood up, my left fist resting on the mattress as I slowly ran my knuckles down the side of her soft cheek, a small smile tugging on her lips as I felt one of my own start to form.

I walked over towards my dresser still trying to make as little noise as possible as I pulled out a pair of black basketball shorts and a metallica shirt as I slid it over my head. I looked over my shoulder one last time before I headed out towards the kitchen. Looking at the clock I knew that not another soul from the team would be up yet which made it perfect for me to do my thing in the kitchen.

I sat my phone down on the counter next to me, my Pandora on classic rock shuffle as I started to pull various things out of my cabinets and refrigerator to make her something for breakfast. Judging on my own hangover palette I knew that eggs always made me want to throw up everything that still remained in my stomach so I opted against them and decided on making her a belgian waffle.

I grabbed the waffle iron out of the cabinet, a thing that I bought because I could but never really used, and the box of waffle mix I had just bought at Trader Joes the other day as I started to frantically search through my fridge for a can of seltzer water, remembering Jodie's advice that adding that in place of water always made for fluffier waffles. After finding one that was shoved into the farthest depths of my deep fridge, I popped the top and added it in mixing it just enough as I poured it into the hot iron.

I grabbed a cup out of the cabinet and a Pedialyte out of the fridge chuckling as I remembered telling her that this would be her best friend the next day before placing the waffle on a plate, garnishing it with several strawberries that I had cut up into perfect slices and adding a few chocolate chips on the top. Grabbing everything in my hand I started walking back towards our room deciding that I would clean everything up later.

I pushed through the door slowly, smiling as I saw the sun still shining down on my angel sleeping peacefully in bed. I walked over to the dresser setting down the items in my hand as I made my way to the bathroom. I quickly started to fill the tub with hot water knowing that steam had always helped me with my hangovers. I grabbed my lighter from my pocket as I lit several of the vanilla scented candles that laid around the garden style tub. I knew that the tub would take at least five minutes to fill where I wanted it to be, so I decided to grab her two Tylenol and head back out to wake up my Sleeping Beauty.

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