Chapter 57

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Our week in paradise seemed to end far to quick. I had never thought that I would enjoy life at the beach, but I found that I liked it way more than I thought I would have, Savannah no doubt being the reason why. After our first night out with her friends we pretty much secluded ourselves to her house, which was fine by me since all I wanted was to be with her, the rest of the world and what was happening in it not seeming to matter. She kept up to her promise of having sex with me in every room of her house. I admit to loving every part of my pregnant wife, but the sex was out of this world. Her sex drive giving mine a real test since it was close to four times a day that we explored each other in between the sheets of whichever bed we came to first.

Her two friends from dinner came back to the house last night with their boyfriends. I knew that they felt bad for what had happened at the restaurant the first night we came, and they surely made up for it. I enjoyed their company and loved how they made Savannah laugh. The friendship that they had with her was different then the friendship that she had with Emmy. I would never tell her this, but it always seemed like Emmy was using her, friends with her only for Savannah's money. It was almost like a sign that she was the one who helped my exes initially get in contact with us and also that she spilled the beans to Dre about what had happened to Savannah nearly every weekend when they would go for drinks at the Bowery. She wasn't a valuable asset to her life and if I'm being honest I'm glad she wasn't a part of it anymore, especially now that we were expecting our first baby.

But, despite how great our week was I couldn't help but still feel this small bout of guilt wash over me when I saw her saying goodbye to her friends yesterday. I know that she told me she would give up anything for me and her reasoning was the most beautiful thing that anyone has ever said to me, but I just hoped that she was really okay with giving up all of this to be with me and live my life. Since I wanted her to have as much connection to this life as possible, I told her friends that they could come visit her in Utah whenever they would like and for however long they liked. I knew that we were keeping her house and that we would be coming back here as much as we could, but I still wanted her to have that connection to all of this and to not completely cast everything off to the side for me. She was single handily the most important part of my life right now and I would do whatever it took to show her how much I appreciate her giving up everything she worked so hard to achieve for me.

I sat in my seat looking out at the ocean, the distinct line between the horizon and the waves not visible at this hour in the morning, the sky just starting to lighten with the impending rise of the sun. I stretched my feet out resting them on the bottom of the railing, grabbing a cigarette from my pack as I lit it quickly. I pulled deep on the first drag, the nicotine coursing through my veins like electricity before nestling into the bottom of my lungs. I let it linger there for a few moments before exhaling a cloud of off white smoke into the air watching as it danced through the velvet sky as it broke apart traveling its separate ways before dissipating altogether. I felt my anxiety starting to grow more and more as the clock clicked closer and closer to us leaving for Savannah's parents in Saco. I don't know why I was so nervous, I guess I just wanted them to like me and for them to know that I had nothing but Savannah's best interest at heart. It didn't really help that she was pregnant already after we've only been married for a little over a month. I took another drag on my cigarette, my eyes closing as I enjoyed the feeling of nicotine running through my body—with Savannah getting sick from the smoke I haven't been smoking as much so this was a treat—letting it calm my nerves even if it was just for the time being.

"Austin?" Savannah's soft voice startling me from my thoughts as I looked over my shoulder at her. She had her arms wrapped around herself, the wind coming off of the ocean blowing her hair perfectly over her shoulders. I quickly put out my cigarette, moving the ashtray over to the other side of the patio hoping that the wind didn't carry the smell in her direction as she slowly walked over towards me with a smile.

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