Chapter 36

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I followed Austin as he made his way through the few dozen fans waiting for him as we walked into the arena. This was only the second time that I saw him interacting with them, but you could tell how much he appreciated each and every one of them for helping him get to where he is today. I paused next to Rick as I watched him interact with a young boy and his sister, getting down on their level as he happily wrapped his arms around the two young kids, his infamous peace sign showing on either side of them as he smiled widely.

"I apologize in advance ma'am if I cuss too much tonight" he said sweetly to whom I assumed would be the mother of the children, a small chuckle leaving my lips at his statement as the Mom seemed to do the same, letting him know it was no big deal as she too posed for a picture. He gave another quick goodbye to the two small children before finishing up with the remaining few fans that were standing a few feet away from the greenroom where we would be spending most of our time after soundcheck.

He looked over his shoulder at me, a smirk on his face as he started making his way over to me slowly, my heart starting to race for him as he kept coming closer. He reached out both of his hands gesturing for me to place mine in his as I happily did so, letting him pull me in close to him, his body leaning in towards mine as he softly and sweetly meshed our lips together slowly. I felt the both of us lose ourselves momentarily, the fans letting out both loud screams of happiness and disbelief as he started smiling against my lips.

"Are you trying to make everyone hate me baby?" I asked with a laugh, putting another quick kiss on his lips as he smiled at me quickly before biting gently on his bottom lip.

"On the contrary sweetheart, I'm trying to make everyone love you. I want them to see how happy you make me, and how you let me be me and love me," he said, leaning in and pressing his lips softly against mine again. "If they see that, they are bound to love you and if they don't they are just jealous" he said his thumb running gently over my cheek as he stared at me, both of his eyes glistening like the brightest diamonds as a wide smile spread across his face.

"Okay lover boy let's go Jay is looking for you" Rick said with a laugh, pressing his hand on his lower back as he started leading him down the hall to green room, Austin grabbing onto my hand tightly as we followed Rick down the hallway.

"There you are Posty, running late again. If this is going to be a constant thing, we are going to ask Savannah to stay in a hotel" Jay laughed as soon as we walked through the doors, looking over at me with a playful smile as he reached his hand out to guide Austin towards the stage.

"Jay we both know Savannah isn't the problem" he laughed, breaking from Jay's embrace as he reached his hand out placing it on my hip as he pulled me into his side. "I'd be late with our without her here" he said placing a quick kiss on my temple. "I'll be done in just a little bit sweetheart, wait for me?" he said with a wink, his tongue resting between his teeth as his arm slowly drifted off of my hip as I watched him walk away with Jay, throwing his ear pieces around his neck as I blew him a kiss.


I took the time while Austin was out doing sound check, something that had only taken a few minutes last time seeming to take a little over an hour this time, to think about what I had wanted to do about Emmy. Her sad and lonely appearance has been eating at me since I saw it while I was waiting for Austin to finish interacting with his adoring and sweet fans, watching him and getting lost in our little moments only making the vision of her dissipate just slightly only to now have it thrown back at me full force.

Her and I have been through so much together and she was basically my rock since I moved to Myrtle Beach. We've come to know the best parts of each other and the worst parts of each other, and to be honest it kind of sucked not having someone to talk to while Austin was out doing his thing and I actually missed sharing in the concert with her. Watching it with the team was great, they are all super sweet and welcoming making me feel like I've known then all for years. But, they weren't my best friend.

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