Chapter 50

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She was asleep faster than I could carry her to our bed, her body cuddled into my arms as I carried her the short distance from the bathroom to the bed, lying her gently between the covers as I pulled them up to her chin. I don't know what had come over her. She was feeling fine when we were over at the guest house, she ate her rather interesting breakfast without a problem and then it was like something hit her all at once. I leaned down placing a soft kiss on her cheek as I started to make my way out of the room. I know that I had told her I was going to lay with her for a while, but I had to call my Dad and Jodie, there was no way that she was going to go up there today feeling the way that she was feeling.

I quietly walked out the door and headed towards the backroom pulling my phone out of my back pocket as I quickly dialed my Dad, hoping that he and Jodie hadn't already started to get ready to head up there since they still lived a half hour away from me. I put the phone on speaker phone knowing that no one else was in the house, everyone had gone out for a bite to eat themselves and then were heading over to Mike's rental for the afternoon. I grabbed a cigarette from the pack and quickly lit it, a puff of smoke leaving my mouth as I anxiously waited for someone to pick up the phone.

"Hey Austy what's up?" Jodie said in her cheerful voice through the other end of the phone, the sound of them being in a car starting to make my heart race. I didn't want to tell them that our afternoon was canceled but I also didn't feel comfortable taking Savannah there with the way that she was feeling today.

"You guys aren't on your way already are you?" I asked, my hand coming up to nervously rub at the back of my neck, my cigarette coming back up to my lips as I took a long drag blowing the smoke out into the open air as I waited for them to respond.

"We are, your Dad thought he'd get there early to get the grill and stuff started. Is that okay?" she asked, curiosity hanging heavily in her voice.

"Actually, do you mind if we reschedule? Savannah isn't feeling very well. She was fine this morning and then she all of a sudden got sick and she is sleeping right now" I said to her, hoping that it didn't come off as Savannah not wanting to meet them.

"We can do whatever you want Austy. We can even come over there instead if you want" Jodie said with some hopefulness behind her words.

I knew that she was so excited to meet Savannah. Ever since I told them about her she has been dying to meet her, referring to her as the girl that changed her kiddo's life for good. It wasn't that Jodie didn't like any of the other girls that I dated, but even without meeting her I could just tell that she was very fond of Savannah and I wanted for Jodie to meet her more than anything, but I also didn't want to make Savannah feel uncomfortable.

I thought about her proposal for a second, wondering if it would be okay for her and Dad to come to the house for a few hours. At least if Savvi got tired she would be able to excuse herself to the bedroom, and if she got sick she was right here. Plus, the four of us needed to eat so maybe it would be okay if they came here instead of all of us going up there.

"Yeah, okay. Why don't you guys plan on coming here. You can just come over now. Savannah is still sleeping but that's okay" I said, hoping that I wasn't crossing the line by inviting them here when she was lying sick in bed.

"Okay Austy, we'll see you in a few minutes" she said sweetly through the phone before hanging up. I sat back on the couch, my cigarette still burning between my fingers as I flicked on the TV, surfing through the channels looking for nothing in particular when I heard someone walking towards me. Lifting my head I saw Savannah walking towards me, her hands wrapped around her, her face still semi white with just a slight rose color on her cheeks and her eyes still looking just as sleepy as they were when she fell asleep in my arms in the bathroom.

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