Chapter 28

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Austin's POV

Even though I couldn't physically see it, I knew my face drained of all it's color as I feared to turn my head to the left to put her into my sights after I had thought we were done and over with forever. After all, she was the one that ended it with me after our vacation to Korea, and to be honest I was finally completely content with not thinking of or seeing her ever again. And now, here she was, I'm sure flanked by Jade and Michi as well, as they quickly became the accusing trio of subtly hinting that I was some narcissist that treated them like shit. 

"Austin" I heard Savannah say in a quiet voice as I put a soft kiss on her lips, pulling away from her slowly as I rested my forehead against hers. I made sure that our eyes connected together so she could see that I was going to be right here for her and I wasn't going to let any of them ruin what we had between us.

"It's gonna be okay sweetheart, I'm not going anywhere" I said giving her a smile as I stepped back from her, grabbing her right hand in my left as I turned to face the three women I had never imagined seeing again. I let out a laugh as I looked at them. "No Kano, I don't miss you" I said in a flat voice, my eyes connecting with hers as I witnessed a bone chilling smirk curl on her face, her eyes leaving mine as they floated over towards Savannah.

"So this must be Savannah, the girl that has taken our spot" she said, dropping her arms from being crossed at her chest as she started walking over towards us. I squeezed her hand as she walked over towards her, letting her know I was here and I would not let her do anything to hurt her. "She's a cutie Austin" Kano said with a head nod as she looked Savannah over several times from head to toe.

"What do you want Kano" I asked, bringing Savannah in closer to me as she kept up her inspection of her, Jade and Michi now following suit as they walked over towards us.

"I just missed you Austin, it's been so long" she said, walking over towards me as she wrapped her arms around my waist and tilted her head back to look at me. "What, don't want to give an old friend a proper greeting? You used to love looking down at me like this" she said giving me a wink.

I let go of Savannah's hand just briefly as I grabbed both of Kano's arms and removed them from their place around my waist. "You don't deserve anything proper Kano." My words were true, she was a conniving bitch who made me drop my friends, family and pretty much made me change everything about myself. Not to mention all the warnings her friends gave me about her and the things that she has done in the past.

"Ouch, I see much hasn't changed with you. You never treated me proper when we were together, I don't know why I expected you to treat me like that when we are apart either" she said, giving me a pout as she looked over towards Savannah. My eyes becoming wide as she was so easily able to turn my flat statement into something more malicious so quickly.

"How about you Savvi, is that what they call you? At least that is what your friend Emily said they call you" Kano said with a smirk. "Has he been treating you like you are his princess? Don't worry it won't last long and you'll get the treatment like the rest of us did. He'll start filling your head with lies, making you think that everything he does is to protect you when really it's just to hide you. He's not proud of you either, so don't let him fill your head with that shit. All of this being seen with you stuff, don't get used to it" she smirked.

"That's enough Kano" I said in a slightly angered voice as I grabbed for Savannah's hand again, hers falling into mine almost with a magnetic force as she grasped onto it tightly. I looked over to try to read her face to see that it was blank, almost as if it was void of all emotion as she just let Kano's words either sink into her or slide off of her, I couldn't decide which one it was.

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