Chapter 60

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Savannah's POV: 4 years later

"Daddy! Daddy!" our jubilant four year old yelled for Austin across the suite as I finished putting her in her yellow Belle dress that Austin had bought her just for this occasion. She'd been dying to put it on since the moment it arrived in the mail and waiting the two weeks had pretty much killed her. She wasn't a very patient little girl, something Austin always had affectionately reminded me she got from me, which okay he wasn't wrong.

Everything else about her she inherited from Austin and there wasn't one part of me that was upset about it.She gad long curly dark brown hair, the most perfect pair of blue eyes that put even her Father's to shame and a complexion that was a mix between my pale exterior with his light complexion. She thankfully got Austin's goofy nature, the both of them always bantering back and forth leaving the house filled with wonderful sounds of toddler laughter every moment of the day. But she did inherit the sweet and sensitive side from me. Austin always said he was going to have his hands full when she got older, already setting the age old Father rule that she wasn't going to date until she was thirty, a statement to which I always rolled my eyes and walked away.

"Mommy can I wear my makeup?" Belle asked me with a smile, I tilted my head at her with a grin gently rubbing her cheek with my thumb.

"How about just a little blush on these beautiful cheeks" I smiled, getting up from my seat as I started to dig through my makeup bag for my light pink blush. I walked back over to her with a smile sitting down in front of her as she walked in between my legs.

"Make a fishy face cutie" I said drawing my own lips together just the way I wanted her to, letting out a laugh as she mimicked my actions. I swirled the brush around in the palette getting just enough on before gently rubbing the soft bristles over her tiny cheek. "Well if you don't look like a princess" I smiled leaning in and giving her a kiss as she looked at herself in the mirror.

"I look pretty, just like you Momma" she said, her gaze breaking away from the reflection in the mirror as she smiled at me over her shoulder.

"You look beautiful my little princess" I said wrapping my arms around her and giving her a tiny kiss. "Do you wanna go get Daddy?" I asked twirling some of her already curled hair around my fingers as she nodded her head exuberantly at me with a wide smile.

"Yeah!" she said starting to run to the door only to stop and run back to her bag. "Wait! I forgot Daddy's ears!" she said pulling out a pair of sparkly black Mickey Mouse ears with a yellow sparkly bow in between them. "And here Mommy these are for you!" she said handing me the same before running out the door and down the hall to another room in the suite.

"Daddy? Daddy!?" Belle yelled throughout the suite as I started to make my way behind her.

"I think he's in your room cutie" I said with a smile as she turned on her heel and ran down towards her bedroom, bursting through the door like a tornado.

"Hi Daddy" she said excitedly, holding out his ears for him. "I got these for you" she said shyly, Austin taking them from her hand as he placed them proudly a top his short curls.

"I love them princess thank you" he smiled, giving her a soft kiss on the cheek. "And you look beautiful, better then Princess Belle herself" he boasted, her cheeks getting even more red as she as put her hands behind her back twisting her body from side to side.

"Thank you Daddy" she said with the grin that she had used with him from the beginning that would always get her whatever she wanted.

"Why don't you go get your shoes on baby girl and we'll be right out okay?" I said bending down to be eye level with her placing a kiss on her forehead.

What Happens In Vegas / Post MaloneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora