Chapter 51

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I stood frozen in my tracks at her words. I guess you could say that a huge part of me was thinking that her being pregnant could've been the reason behind her weird breakfast choices, and her getting nauseas so easily but I guess I didn't want to admit it. And thinking back, Savannah apologizing to me was almost like she had a feeling that she was pregnant as well but also didn't want to come to terms with it. I wasn't upset at the possibility that she could be pregnant, shit I loved her more than anything in this world, and starting a family together would be the second best thing to ever come out of a relationship between the two of us. But, I was nervous about it and I couldn't quite put my finger on why.

"Austy?" I heard as my head turned towards Jodie's voice. My left hand sliding into the pocket of my jeans as I started to rub at the back of my neck nervously with my right giving her a shy laugh as I looked at her.

"What makes you think that?" I asked her, curious as to how she put the pieces of the puzzle together so quickly.

"When I was pregnant with Mitch I hated the smell and even the sight of raw eggs and after I heard her explaining her symptoms to me the thought that she could possibly be pregnant popped into my head and I thought, if she's anything like me eggs will confirm my suspicions" Jodie said with a laugh as she started dipping the chicken into the egg before coating it generously with breadcrumbs.

"Are you mad if it's true?" I asked her, a slight laugh coming from her lips as she wiped her hands on the towel and walked over towards me, immediately wrapping me in a hug as I returned it happily.

"Austy, you're 25 now. You have a great career, you seem to be really in love with her and you seem to be really happy. So no, I am not mad at you" she said standing on her tiptoes so she could place a quick kiss on my cheek.

"Thanks Jodie" I smiled, pulling away from her slowly.

"Go to her Austin, she's going to need you. I'll be fine here" she smiled as she started to make her way back over towards the counter to finish making dinner, my mouth already watering for it and I hadn't even smelt it cooking.

Shaking my head quickly at the thought, I walked out of the kitchen and started to make my way towards my bedroom, the door slightly opened as I pushed through it making my way right towards the bathroom where I was surprised to hear that she was still not feeling well. I walked quicker towards her, crouching down next to her immediately as I started to rub her back, her sobs seeming to come harder at my presence as she fell into me.

I wrapped my arms around her tightly, her head resting against my chest as she clutched onto the fabric of my shirt, tears streaming out of her eyes as she kept sobbing against me. I held her as long as I needed to, my hands rubbing up and down the length of her back as I continuously kept pressing sweet kisses into the crown of her head until she finally calmed herself down enough to pull away from me.

"You okay sweetheart?" I asked her, the both of us now in a sitting position on the cold tile floor of our bathroom, my back up against a wall as she sat in between my legs, the heels of her palms rubbing at her eyes until I pulled them away from her face to replace them with the calloused pads of my thumb as I gently wiped away the tears that were still managing to fall.

"I'm so sorry Austin" she said, her red bloodshot eyes staring into mine as I noticed her lip starting to tremble again, my thumbs slowly running over them as I leaned in and slowly connected mine against hers, relief washing over me as she kissed me back. Her fingers finding mine as she pushed her fingers into the spaces of mine, her small hand squeezing mine tightly as she pulled away from me with slightly parted lips.

"Sweetheart why are you sorry?" I asked her, not wanting to tell her what Jodie had told me right away, rather wanting to see if she was going to tell me that she was thinking that she was pregnant or if she was going to be afraid to share her thoughts with me.

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