Chapter 49

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I woke up much sooner than I had wanted to, regret hanging heavy in the atmosphere I had created around myself to the fact that my eyes were wide open and staring around the room, when I wanted nothing more than to still be cuddled up against my beautiful wife as we lay sleeping in bed for countless more hours. Aside from spending the majority of the day with my parents, there was nothing else on the list of things to do today. I had planned on spending countless hours this morning cuddling up with her in the solace of our guest house, where it seemed like no one had figured out where we were.

Sighing to myself at the misfortune of my body waking up at an early hour, I slid out from underneath her propping myself up on my left arm as I used my right hand to gently push some hair from obstructing my view of her beautiful face. Everytime I looked at her I still couldn't believe the series of extraordinary events that had happened to put this woman where she was in my life. If you would've asked me prior to my trip to Vegas with the boys and at the time my girlfriend Melo, I would've told you that I had planned on getting drunk off my ass before embarking on a relaxing two weeks in Greece, hoping to see if there was a deeper connection between me and my then girlfriend and if not learning how to cope with it anyway.

I never thought that I would run into the one girl that was destined to be with me my whole life. I smiled to myself as I slowly ran my fingers down her soft defined jawline. It was almost as if fate stepped in that night and made Melo stay home, purposely driving me into the arms of the one woman that I was supposed to be with. I had waited twenty five years for her, and now that I have her I don't think that I would've been able to wait however many more years were necessary until our paths crossed again.

She stirred slightly under my touch, my hand leaving her face just briefly to make sure I wasn't waking her earlier than intended before she nestled herself back under the covers. It never ceases to amaze me that everytime I look at her it is like I am seeing her for the first time. I never had that with other girls that I have been with. For me it was always the thrill of seeing them for the first time, thinking that they were the sexiest girl I have ever laid my eyes on and then as the days, weeks, months progressed with seeing them and being with them every day the novelty of them kind of wore off and I saw them as merely my girlfriend who I did things with. Sure I still found them sexy but it would be in a way that I felt I had to see them.

Not with Savannah though, everytime I looked at her she took my breath away. Her eyes always seemed to shine a little greener, her hair always seemed to blow in the breeze just the right way, her body seemed to always stun me with the way her outfits clung perfectly to every dip and curve that her body possessed and above all her personality captivated me like no other. She carried herself with such poise, such sophistication, such confidence that she was just effortlessly beautiful and waking up to her next to me everyday was like I was waking up with the winning lottery ticket sitting gently on top of the pillow next to me.

I also thoroughly enjoyed the confidence that she gave me, or maybe it was the fact that I always had it but she knew just how to get it out of me. Like last night for example, never in a million years would I have ever announced to thousands of people that I was married nor would I bring her out onstage to show her off to the world. That just simply was not me, or at least I didn't think it was me. I just kept telling myself that I didn't want to hide her, I didn't want the most important part of me to hide in the shadows as if she was some dirty little secret that I was trying to hide because she is anything but.

I've often heard my friends say that the girl they are with is their world, they would do anything and everything to make her happy and to see her smile and I never believed a woman could actually exist in my life that would make me want to do that, and than in she came like a hurricane completely turning my world around like I never imagined a girl could do.

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