Chapter 31

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Savannah's POV

I let out a loud scream as I watched the man that I desperately loved finish up Rockstar, the energy that he had on stage tonight was unlike anything he possessed last night. He was not only feeding off of the energy of the crowd, but he also seemed to be a lot happier, a constant smile on his face and his quirky dance moves were on point all night long. I couldn't help but smile as I watched him, he loved everything about what he did and the fact that thousands of people joined in and knew every word to his songs and were vibing with him for just these few hours meant the world to him.

"I don't know what you did to Posty Savannah, but we may need it to happen again tomorrow" Jay said loudly in my ear, his hand resting gently on my arm as he pulled away from me flashing me a smile and a wink.

Even though it was dark in the arena I knew that my face was flushing red like a tomato. Maybe it was our scorchingly sexy moment that we had before the show that gave him the amazing amount of energy and his happy demeanor, or maybe it was just the crowd giving him all the energy he needed but whatever the situation was, I would be more than happy to test the first theory again to see.

I rolled my eyes at him shaking my head as I raised my bottle of Bud Light up to my lips, "I'll see what I can do Jay" I smirked causing him to laugh as he turned his attention to Dre just as congratulations was starting.

I saw Jay turn his attention back towards me for just an instant before looking back at Dre, his head nodding rapidly. Dre placed his hand on his shoulder blade before giving me a look that I couldn't quite read and walked off to the other side of the sound booth. I gave Jay a questioning look as he headed over to me, resting his hand on my arm again as he loudly started talking in my ear. "We need to get you to the pit Savannah, Austin has a plane waiting for you guys" he said.

I looked at him with eyebrows raised, this time leaning into him as I tried to talk to him as loud as I possibly could, "what do you mean? Isn't he doing the pit and then some kind of after party?" I asked, feeling like I was going to go hoarse from just the small exchange that we had.

"I thought that was the plan but looks like the big guy changed things. Come on let's get you up there" he said nodding his head towards the exit of the sound booth as we started navigating our way through the empty aisles, security walking in front of us as we made our way towards the pit. Jay flashed his credentials, the security guard on the other side nodding as he pulled open the barricade so we could step inside.

I looked up at the stage to see Austin singing his heart out to this amazing crowd of people who seemed like they couldn't get enough of him. I was just about to walk further down towards the exit when he caught my eye, giving me a wide smile as he flicked his nose with his thumb and gave me a wink, his left right hand resting on his hip. I let out a laugh rolling my eyes at him causing him to bring his tongue between his teeth, the girls standing next to me on the other side of the barrier assuming it was for them causing me to chuckle as I watched them have their amazing moment.

"You know Savannah, I know that it has been terrible tonight but I have to tell you" Jay said standing next to me with his arms crossed over his chest as the both of us stared up at the amazing man working the stage. "He really loves you Savannah, you've brought out the best in him and I know personally that I can't thank you enough" he said with a smile, putting his arm around my shoulder as he gave me a small squeeze.

"Thanks Jay, I really love him too and I don't know how it happened but I thank my lucky stars every night that I have him" I smiled, my focus on Austin as he started thanking everyone for coming out tonight, the look on his face pure happiness, almost as if he realized this was all real and how lucky he was for this to have happened to him.

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