Chapter 32

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Savannah's POV

The plane landed at Sky Harbor airport, the rough landing of the wheels suddenly connecting with the concrete startling me awake, my eyes snapping open quickly looking around at my surroundings wildly before I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my torso and soft lips connecting with the top of my head. I snuggled back into Austin's side, placing my lips gently on his chest wishing that the fabric wasn't there so I could feel the tickle of his warm skin on my lips.

"Hi sweetheart, did you sleep okay?" I heard him say to me quietly, his voice that lovely low rasp that sent chills to every square inch of my body, my eyes closing as I listened to it hum through his chest making it seem like his voice was in surround sound. I squeezed my hand in his lifting up my head as he slowly lifted his arm from around me, his thumb coming up and gently brushing against my cheek before he placed his lips gently over mine.

"I did baby, and it's all thanks to you" I giggled, connecting my lips with his again before pulling away from him, noticing that he looked even more tired than he had when we left if that was even possible. "But it doesn't look like you did" I said quietly, feeling the corners of my mouth turn down into a frown suddenly wondering if it was all because of me. I was sleeping comfortably but what if me being comfortable jeopardized him from getting comfortable enough to sleep.

"It's okay sweetheart, I'll be fine. Plus, I got a little anxious and quickly realized that I didn't have anything to take to calm me down. I'm just happy you made it through okay" he smiled at me, his thumb gently rubbing against the top of my hand.

"If someone didn't make me go to sleep before we took off I don't think I would have" I smiled leaning into him again as we patiently waited for the plane to finish taxing its way down the runway.

"See, your husband knows what he's doing" he laughed, placing a kiss on my head as the stewardess told us that we could start getting ready to leave the plane. He politely thanked her, removing his hand from mine as he stood up stretching his arms over his head, a long groan accompanying the movements before he smiled and laid his hand out for me to grab.

I clutched on to it as he pulled me to my feet, his left hand resting on my back as he started guiding me down the narrow aisle towards the exit of the plane. He grabbed my hand in his again as we walked down the steps, a car waiting for us as we quickly climbed into the back Austin telling the driver that we were headed to the Hyatt Regency.

"So what do we have in store for tonight?" I asked him, giving him a sideways glance as he looked down at me. He wrapped his arm around me pulling me in close to his side as I rested my legs over his.

"Just you and me time sweetheart, that's all I want right now. We can talk about whatever you want, watch whatever you want, eat whatever you want" he said with a smirk.

I looked at him with a smirk turning my body so I can look at him from a more comfortable position. "Well that doesn't sound like you and me time, that sounds a lot like Savannah time and Austin just gets to join in" I smiled, the tip of my index finger tracing the sawblade tattoo on his cheek.

"And what's wrong with that Savvi?" he asked, raising his eyebrows as he was patiently waiting for me to give him my response.

"It just doesn't seem fair that's all" I shrugged, giving him a neutral look. He leaned into me pressing his plump lifts softly on mine before resting his forehead against my own, his fingertips gently roaming against a small piece of skin that was making an appearance between my leggings and my top, the slightest brush of them sending shivers through my spine as I started to giggle, his lips twisting into a smile.

"Then how about this sweetheart" he started, my eyes connected with his as I waited to hear his proposal. "We take a nice long hot shower together, order some room service because I know you have to be starving" he laughed, my face flushing slightly as he was right, I was always hungry. "We'll have a bottle of wine and sit together on the balcony looking over the lights of the city, letting our conversation go wherever it takes us before crawling into bed and cuddling together all night" his eyes filled with a mix of hot emotions as they danced precariously across my face, just the look in them making my blood start to boil in my veins and my insides tingle with anticipation of knowing the other things that laid heavily implied in his proposal.

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