The Adventures of Professor Proton, Jr: "The Proton Express..." Part XXIV...

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"The Adventures of Professor Proton, Jr: The Proton Express..."

Summary: In my first longer Proton Jr tale, can Prof Proton Jr. aka mild-mannered Sheldon Cooper and Dr. Amy aka Amy F. Fowler save the world at Christmas...And can Proton Jr. keep that blond sob of an engineering genius Tom Swift, Jr. away from his girl?

Equally important...Should Cameragirl Penny allow this thing to appear on her acting credits or just accept that all hope of a professional career is gone and just enjoy while peddling her drugs?

[For those curious about the Tom Swift adventures, of course much of this is taken from "Tom Swift and His Diving Seacopter", one of the best books in the series which got me into science long, long, long ago.]

Disclaimer: All is Chuck's...

Part XXIV...

"Все остановки..." (All stop...) the command rang out in the long control room. Slight shudder throughout the large craft.

"Выпуск буя..." (Release buoy...) Commander Putinsky ordered as she stood in her command post in the Lermontov, peering through the raised periscope in front of her.

"I've released our communications buoy." She noted to Munson Wyckcliffe, now in heavy sweater and jeans, standing at a radar control console, who nodded.

"A buoy? How prwimitive. What, you can't let us allies see your more advanced underwater communication systems?" Bwarry grinned over from his temporary post at a computer console where he'd been reviewing the last uploaded Russian, including by default, UN, data on the alien ship, containing as he had sarcastically noted, little more than vague guesses on top of data passed on from Swift's megascope space prober and Proton's detector...Might have done better staying on board Swift's ship. "Are you using Extremely Low Frequency, quantum pulse, or what, now?"

"I wouldn't let my mother see our more advanced systems, Doctor." Commander Putinsky eyed him coolly. "But in fact, the transmissions from our buoy are more easily shielded..." as a video screen to the side near her station lit up and an image appeared.

"And the President wished to do you the courtesy of speaking directly..." she noted as the face resolved into the icily pleasant features of President Putinsky, seated at desk in dark, elegant suit, sardonically eyeing the group.

"Drs. Wyckcliffe...My friends." Putinsky's face bearing a wide smile.

"So glad to see your rendezvous with the Lermontov went well. You escaped dear Swift without incident, I trust?"

"Just a minowr one..." Bwarry noted with equally wide smile.

"Dr. Hofstadter is dead." Commander Putinsky, grimly. Munson, somewhat haunted expression...

"Crweul necessity." Bwarry grinned.

"Bwarry..." Munson, shaking head. "It was unavoidable..." she noted to Putinsky's image on screen.

"Yes, most unfortunate. But the good doctor was a traitor to her country." Putinsky, icily calm. "I'm aware of her reservations about securing the cargo and her reaching out to Swift and Proton. Believe me, much as one must regret the loss of such a brilliant and beautiful woman...Your brother merely spared me an unhappy task, Dr. Wyckcliffe." Cold smile.

"She was not a traitor, Comrade President." The Commander, grimly. (Some of that "grimness" rooted in the annoyance of anyone thinking Barry Kripke could kill me...Please, Penny thought.) "She simply..."

"She knew her duty. She failed me and Russia." Putinsky, coldly. "If anyone chooses the same course, dear Sara, they must and will pay the same price. As your dear uncle let me warn you...Best to hand over your command now if you should happen to feel you cannot fulfill your duty..."

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