"The Adventures of Professor Proton, Jr: The Proton Express..." Part IV

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"The Adventures of Professor Proton, Jr: The Proton Express..."

Summary: In my first longer Proton Jr tale, can Prof Proton Jr. aka mild-mannered Sheldon Cooper and Dr. Amy aka Amy F. Fowler save the world at Christmas...And can Proton Jr. keep that blond sob of an engineering genius Tom Swift, Jr. away from his girl?

Equally important...Should Cameragirl Penny allow this thing to appear on her acting credits or just accept that all hope of a professional career is gone and just enjoy while peddling her drugs?

Disclaimer: All is Chuck's...

Part IV...

The submarine pens of Fearing Island...

"Here she is..." Swift noted proudly as the group, consisting of Swift and his closest pal Bud Barclay, several security guards, General Smith, Professor Proton, Jr., Dr. Amy, Dr. Wyckcliffe, and the latest, somewhat disconcerting to the others, addition, the annoyingly (to Dr. Amy) tall, brilliant, and lovely Russian exobiologist, Dr. Penova Hofstadter...paused with him to view the large, rather odd submersible before them. More a flying saucer than a submarine, Proton noted to Dr. Amy with slight sneer. Swift's screwed it this time.

("Really...I could have accepted Bernadette as a rival from Russia. She has a doctorate and well, it's Russia. They are famous for large men and tiny women." Sheldon noted to Leonard who sighed. Are they? Raj hissed to Howard who shrugged... "Mom hid my passport when I was going on that swinging engineers' party trip to Moscow. She thought the Russians would put me in a labor camp." "Sheldon." Leonard sighed. "Penny needs to do something in front of the camera and we need a little more dramatic tension...She makes for an obvious bad guy." "Da." Penny grinned, hair bunned up, in as severe a dark suit as Amy's closet and hasty alterations could provide. "I am likely but no means certain attractive yet clewver spy and willain of piece. Or perhaps innocent tragic wictim?" she eyed Leonard, rather winsomely.

Tell me you haven't been hanging out with Barry Kripke to get the accent down...He eyed her.

Hmmn...Sheldon pondered. "So she's the Jim Brown character in our little 'Ice Station Zebra'?"

Howard "Bud Barclay" staring at him. "Watched it with my dad, years ago. I liked the ice caps and the undersea things that weren't so scary as 'The Abyss'." Sheldon noted.

"People, we have the light!" Temporary Cameragirl Bernadette noted.)

"Is interesting. But we have had similar wessel for many years in Russian flweet." Dr. Hofstadter noted with arch look.

"You mean the one that sank chasing after me a few years ago?" Swift noted. "A pretty poor copy, you screwed it on the rotors." Metal fatigue, he explained to the others, "Their stuff couldn't stand up to a deep dive. That was when we discovered this underwater ancient city of gold."

"Listen to him...'we discovered this underwater ancient city of gold'...Like that's such a big deal." Proton to Dr. Amy...

Well...Actually...Her expression back...

"In Russian oceanic territory..." Hofstadter insisted.

"International waters and settled by the UN." Swift replied. "But can we try to put temporary hostilities aside and try to focus on the loss to Science and potential threat to Humanity if this alien cargo is lost or opened without proper controls?"

"Da." Hofstadter shrugged. "But Rwussia demands her interests in this matter be rwespected. We are no pushowvers but world-class power. As exwemplified by our belovwed Pwresident Putinsky and his physical pwrowess."

("I see she studied at the 'Rocky and Bullwinkle' Academy of Acting." Lesley grinned to Raj. Who sighed.

Uneasy lies the head of the General Strongguy who must make these civies work together.

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