The Adventures of Professor Proton, Jr: "The Proton Express..." Part XLIII...

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"The Adventures of Professor Proton, Jr: The Proton Express..."

Summary: In my first longer Proton Jr tale, can Prof Proton Jr. aka mild-mannered Sheldon Cooper and Dr. Amy aka Amy F. Fowler save the world at Christmas...And can Proton Jr. keep that blond sob of an engineering genius Tom Swift, Jr. away from his girl?

Equally important...Should Cameragirl Penny allow this thing to appear on her acting credits or just accept that all hope of a professional career is gone and just enjoy while peddling her drugs?

Disclaimer: All is Chuck's...

Part XLIII...

Aboard the space friends' vessel...

"We will be entering the denser regions of your atmosphere within five minutes, Thomas." Mary informed Swift. "I'll try to make the landing as gentle as possible when we encounter your ocean. Is everyone secure?"

"Thanks, Mary...I think we're good as we can be." Swift replied. "Everyone brace for landing!"


The Lermontov...

"Mr. President..." the Commander addressed Putinsky, now on viewscreen in sea jacket on the deck of a ship within the landing zone, clearly trying to strike a manly sailor's pose, despite a fair degree of rage. "The alien vessel..."

"Is landing, with Swift onboard. You have failed me and the Nation, Commander!" fuming.

"The Drs. Wyckcliffe are also onboard, sir." She noted.

"Have they managed to secure the vessel?! Well!?"

"They've sent no word as yet. There's significant interference from the ionization effect as the ship..."

"Enough! If you cannot confirm the ship is in our hands, destroy it!"

How? Number One mouthed to her, she offering reproving frown as they stood in front of the viewscreen in the main control room.

"Mr. President, I suggest we wait for the moment until word comes. As yet we remain the only vessel in the area still functioning. Mr. Swift's seacopter is now afloat in part but disabled."

"The UN fleet is just outside the landing zone. Can you secure the ship before they can intervene?" Putinsky demanded.

"We can try, I'm not sure as yet."

"Do not try! Succeed or die for Mother Russia, and me!"

Mother Russia, maybe...You...? Number One thought, eyeing the Commander who offered wryly reproving look.


"If you cannot, destroy the vessel or die trying! Those are my orders, carry them out!" Putinsky, raging.

"Sir." The Commander nodded as the screen went blank.

"Set course for the predicted landing site." She ordered, Number One eyeing her.

"We have our orders, Number One. But at least a few more minutes to see what can be done." Faint smile. "I'm almost curious to know if a nuclear weapon would be effective against these creatures. Though I think I would prefer not dying to find out." Sigh. "Maintain battle stations and keep watch for any other vessels or aircraft entering the landing zone. Have our frogmen crew standing by, we'll see what happens on impact." She paused. "And see if you can raise the Swift vessel again, they might be willing to deal if Swift is in danger on the alien ship."

"He used the same method of transport as Wyckcliffe?" Number One stared.

"It seems so. A pity our 'ally' didn't trust us enough to impart it to us." She noted. "Our people will have to try entering the old-fashioned way."

"Assuming the craft doesn't break up or immediately sink to crush depth." Number One, ruefully.

"Assuming, yes." Nod. "But then, part of our problem would be solved."


"Sky Queen to Ocean Arrow...Barclay, are you there?" Dr. Swift's voice crackling on the Ocean Arrow's radio, Bud grabbing mike.

"Right here, Dr. Swift. Any word on the others?"

"If they successfully left you, we'll have to hope they're safely aboard the alien ship. What's your situation, Bud?"

Bud? Bud thought. I'm promoted, I see.

Though I think it best not to try calling him, Tom.

Let alone...


"I'm ok here. The ship's holding fine, what's left of her." He glanced about. Yeah, my baby held up through the worst those bastards could offer and then some, beaming. As did my girl, so her dad and Proton told me...Fond smile.

"All right, we'll be there in twenty minutes. Keep trying to reach my children and Proton as will we. And take care, the Russians have revealed themselves and may start playing hardball. Good luck, son. Swift out." The radio went silent.

Whoa...Bud blinked.


Dr. Swift, Sr. never uses words inefficiently.

I'd say I'd best take the hint and propose before the shotgun is proffered.

Best to expect it'll be Swift-Barclay, if not Swift...For me.

But, hey Krupp took his wife's name, Nazi-groveling sob.

"Ocean Arrow? This is the Lermontov..." A Russian accented voice... "Are you in any difficulties? Can we assist?"

Hmmn...Bud looked about.

Hey, we may be one third of a ship and down to one solar battery charge but so long as Barclay's in command...

"No, we're good, thanks. Awaiting some repair parts...(say, two-thirds of a seacopter)...And scanning for the alien vessel."

...And we're not sinking...He looked about.

Nah, she be a sturdy craft.

"Very well, Ocean Arrow. Let us know if we can be of assistance, we'll keep in touch." The Commander's voice now on the radio, slight tone of amusement.

These Americans and their macho bravado...

Well, hope we won't have to sink the poor schnook in his wreck.


"Final descent beginning...Take care and safe landing, my friends." Mary's image, beaming.

"Thanks, again, Mary." Swift called. "Ok, folks, hang in there!"

"He said 'hang in', not 'hold tight', Amy." Proton eyed Dr. Amy.

"Whatever..." she returned stare coolly, pulling him close.

"Here we come, Bud!" Bernadette called. "Love you!"

"I am a cybernetic hero...!" Sermek sang.


"The ship is coming down! Push her to the wall, Mr. Sterling!" Dr. Swift on board the Swift flying laboratory, the giant Sky Queen, to Swift Enterprises chief engineer and test pilot, Hank Sterling, currently beside him at the controls. "And target our repelatron lifters as planned!"

"Right, sir!" Sterling, a handsome middle age, thinly mustached man of rugged features... ("That's my Daddy! Actin' with Darth Vader!" Penny beamed at Leonard, who gave arch smile. Wyatt winking at him from his pilot's seat on stage.) "No sign the Russians are firing at the ship as yet!"

"Putinsky's still hoping to win, be ready for a fight, everyone!" Dr. Swift pronounced via intercom.


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