"The Adventures of Professor Proton, Jr: The Proton Express..." Part VI

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"The Adventures of Professor Proton, Jr: The Proton Express..."

Summary: In my first longer Proton Jr tale, can Prof Proton Jr. aka mild-mannered Sheldon Cooper and Dr. Amy aka Amy F. Fowler save the world at Christmas...And can Proton Jr. keep that blond sob of an engineering genius Tom Swift, Jr. away from his girl?

Equally important...Should Cameragirl Penny allow this thing to appear on her acting credits or just accept that all hope of a professional career is gone and just enjoy while peddling her drugs?

Disclaimer: All is Chuck's...

Part VI...

Conference room, Swift Enterprises' Fearing Island submarine pens...

"So...Having narrowed your choice of genius scientists and potential traitors to us..." Professor Proton, Jr noted, shrewdly of course, as Dr. Amy fondly noted and carefully narrated, sotto voce.

"Doctor?" General Smith catching her look, and speech, to hidden camera.

"Sorry..." sigh, handing wrist camera over.

"Anyone not getting who's been taking videos in a top security area under martial law?" Wyckcliffe noted, pleasantly.

"I'm letting it pass...For the last time...Given Dr. Amy's and Professor Proton's known patriotism, dedication to scientific truth, and the right of the public to know all." General Smith, firmly.

"I never said I thought the public should know everything. My God, most of those people are idiots who say silly things on YouTube. They couldn't handle the truth." Proton noted.

"So it's just for the money?" Wyckcliffe, sweetly. "A dweeb, a crypto-fascist, and money-grubbing all in one?...I'd say we have our man, more or less...And our little girl, her sidekick."

("Amy?!" "Sorry, it was kinda funny..." Amy beamed. Glaring immediately at Lesley in desperate recompense...

Watch yourself there...Sheldon frowned. The Relationship Agreement has a review clause...)

"Dr. Wyckcliffe. I think we have more important concerns right now than your little spat with the Professor and Dr. Amy." Dr. Rostenkowski-Swift cut in. "And you have pigeon breasts, jerk." Glare.

("I honestly didn't..." Leonard whispered to Lesley who shrugged, grinning. "I know you didn't, ex-sweetpie." Fond pat.

Penny, glare at said pat...

Too fond, much too fond...

And like my bestie says...Or used to when spying/hitting on me...Sexuality is a specter or whatever...

"I just need to find out if it's a mating call. I did hear tell she was a bit of a wild type before Howard..." Lesley to Leonard, grin Bernadetteward.

"Is Lesley looking at me the way you do when I say, ok fine, I guess?" Bernadette eyed Howard.

"Aw, c'mon, you know I'm kidding...My hot lil' Jewish rocket..." she frowned at his look, cozying at end. "But seriously...As to Lesley and her libido..."

First, Priya and Leonard...Then Priya and the girl I nearly married...Now this...Why?...Why do I do have to be cursed with acute hearing and my mother's snoopiness? Raj sighed. )

"Of course you know who would really round out our merry band of incompetents and myself...?" Wyckcliffe noted. "And since the US government is indulging Swift in nepotism and Proton in keeping his pneumatic doormat of a sex toy around..."

("Should I be furious or rather pleased or...Titillated? What's my motivation?" Amy, to Penny...

"Please...Either to Sheldon or Lesley, don't be that...Eehew...Word." Penny sighed.)

"Oh, no that..." Proton sighed. "And Amy is not pneumatic..."

("Did he not deny...?" Penny blinked to Leonard. "Nope, he didn't...I think I wanna crawl under my bed now..." Leonard sighed.

"I'm rethinking that time he came into my room to clean now, you know." She noted, nervously.

"Well, I..."

"Yeah, but I know you just came to clean..." she noted. Blanching at Amy's wink...

I was a nice somewhat slutty Nebraska girl before I came to this Pasadena den of inquity.)

"My brother's a brilliant biophysicist..." ("Oh, can't I say 'bwrillant'?" Lesley chuckled. "Works for me..." Sheldon noted. "Go for it..." current director Howard nodded.)

"My bwrother's a bwrilliant...Sorry, comes out whenever I mention him...Biophysicist. He oughta be on this team." Wyckcliffe, insistent.

"Yes..." sigh by General Smith. "We'd already called him in...He's being escorted here by two MPs, away from the female staff in the main facility, now."

"Awright...Wyckcliffe, male, is hewre to save the day..." A voice at door noted. "Hello, sis, guys, Prwofessor Captn Kangarwoo, rweasonably hot sex parwtner to Captn Kangarwoo, Dr. Hofstadter, you hot Rwussian hottie."

("And may I say, that was not acting." Kripke noted to a eye-rolling Penny.

"We need an adult rating on this thing for You Tube..." Bernadette hissed to Howard. "Our kid might find it by accident someday."

"You Tube doesn't have a rwating for what I brwing to the scrween, lady." Kripke noted.)


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