The Adventures of Professor Proton, Jr: "The Proton Express..." Part XLV...

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"The Adventures of Professor Proton, Jr: The Proton Express..."

Summary: In my first longer Proton Jr tale, can Prof Proton Jr. aka mild-mannered Sheldon Cooper and Dr. Amy aka Amy F. Fowler save the world at Christmas...And can Proton Jr. keep that blond sob of an engineering genius Tom Swift, Jr. away from his girl?

Equally important...Should Cameragirl Penny allow this thing to appear on her acting credits or just accept that all hope of a professional career is gone and just enjoy while peddling her drugs?

Disclaimer: All is Chuck's...

Part XLV...

"Ok..." Bud eyeing the spare repelatron projector. "The unit's working and set to repel enough seawater to create a five-foot bubble around the area you'll need to work in, Tom."

"Right..." Swift nodded, standing near the air lock door. "I've got the magnetic safety field set to keep the effects away from me. And the air pump and tubing is ready...Amy?" he spoke over hydrolung suit mike.

"Loud and clear." Her reply... "I'm descending into the tunnel, no problems so far. Ok, I'm in the rotor section. And there's the inner hatch cover..."

"Ok..." Swift spoke over suit mike. "Close and seal it as best you can and come into the airlock."


("Really, Leonard?" Sheldon eyed him. "'Gottcha'? Surely you can manage a little better dialogue for our heroine?"

"His inner Texan, defending me." Amy beamed to a puzzled Penny.


"It's just meant to be natural dialogue, Sheldon." Leonard noted.

"Well, Amy deserves better." Sheldon, firmly. Eye to a beaming Amy...

"Don't mind me..." Sheldon whispered hastily to a frowning Leonard. "It's Amy's birthday. I had to get her something." Anxious look.

Fine...Leonard rolled eyes. "Ok, Sheldon, you win. I'll elevate 'our heroine's' dialogue."

"Darn right you will." Firm nod.

"I'll owe you an easy one for Penny for our next driving game." Hasty whisper.

"Damn right you will...On her birthday." Leonard nodded.)

"Will do!" Amy called over radio.


"How much time till Proton can make his try and have them reach you, Mary?" Bernadette addressed the hologram before her and Proton.

"Currently about fifteen minutes, Bernadette. Ionization levels outside my hull are increasing rapidly now." Mary's image replied. "But you are sure you can safely travel again in this manner? I know my counterpart, the Chancellor, and our people would be deeply grieved if either of you came to harm."

"We made it here, I think Proton will be ok." Bernadette noted. "Though I'm willing to make the attempt..."

"You don't know the system the way I do, it'll have to be me." Proton, firmly.

("Oh..." Amy gasped, watching from her open Fat Suit mock-up on the set. Penny grinning at Leonard who shrugged.

Well, Sheldon has been a good sport in this, mostly. He deserves a heroic moment or two, his smile noted.

"Cut! I really need you a moment, Sheldon." Amy called. He eyeing her. She eyeing him.


Penny eyeing Leonard.

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