"The Adventures of Professor Proton, Jr: The Proton Express..." Part XLIV...

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"The Adventures of Professor Proton, Jr: The Proton Express..."

Summary: In my first longer Proton Jr tale, can Prof Proton Jr. aka mild-mannered Sheldon Cooper and Dr. Amy aka Amy F. Fowler save the world at Christmas...And can Proton Jr. keep that blond sob of an engineering genius Tom Swift, Jr. away from his girl?

Equally important...Should Cameragirl Penny allow this thing to appear on her acting credits or just accept that all hope of a professional career is gone and just enjoy while peddling her drugs?

Disclaimer: All is Chuck's...

Part XLIV...

"My God, that's incredible..." Bernadette stared at the three-dimensional image before her.

"You say these are from Gilese 876b?" Proton stared.

"Yes, Professor, if we understood the coordinates of various star systems Tom and his father Thomas furnished to us for comparison." Mary noted.

"My God, they're beautiful. Like blue jellyfish but look at the electrical intensity. What's the dimensions, Mary?"

"The exact length and width vary but are approximately 100-200 by 30 feet." Mary noted. "The planet is a liquified gas giant in the Gilese system, these creatures live on a mixture of methane and hydrogen."

"Wow." Proton stared. "Whoa, did that one just turn pink?"

"Mating ritual, we believe." Mary noted.

"Are they sentient?" Bernadette asked.

"To some extent we believe they are..." Mary nodded. "We have managed to make vague communication, rather like you and the dolphins and whales of Earth."

"And you have these, here? In the ship?"

"In stasis, due to their size, yes."

"'Stasis'?" Bernadette peered at the creatures gently floating, furling and unfurling...Sparkles of electricity flowing across them.

"A pocket containment field that allows them full mobility and to explore the artificial area but contains them within the ship. Rather like a computer simulation in holographic form.

"You mean you shrink them, somehow?" Bernadette stared.

"In a manner of speaking...The process is not harmful and allows many larger creatures to be contained within me, in conditions fairly identical to their home worlds. If I may show you a catalog?"

"Please do..." Proton, awe-struck.

The holographic image of the previous creatures faded and then became a cluster of spheres, each featuring a different environment and various creatures inside.

"Eennnh...!" Proton gasped as one bat-like creature flew by in its sphere, the creature staring, as if it could see them. Various others, including a pair, apparently grazing, very similar to small...

"Brontosauri...!" Proton pointed. "Little brontosaurs! Oooh, look at them! It's like a little Jurassic Park without the TRex eating us. Oh, my...You have a little TRex..." he peered at another sphere. "They did have feathers. My...It's like Billy Sparks' rooster only big as me. No, no!...Go Way!" he waved nervously at one as it neared the edge of the sphere. "I knew there was a reason I fear birds."

"These larger creatures can not break their containment, Professor Proton. There's nothing to fear unless we release them or you enter containment." Mary noted.

"Fine..." Proton gave sidelong glance at retreating mini-T-rex. "Oooh...Those look like monkeys! Amy loves monkeys. And these are blue, she loves blue!" He peered.

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