The Adventures of Professor Proton, Jr.: "The Proton Express..." Part XV...

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"The Adventures of Professor Proton, Jr: The Proton Express..."

Summary: In my first longer Proton Jr tale, can Prof Proton Jr. aka mild-mannered Sheldon Cooper and Dr. Amy aka Amy F. Fowler save the world at Christmas...And can Proton Jr. keep that blond sob of an engineering genius Tom Swift, Jr. away from his girl?

Equally important...Should Cameragirl Penny allow this thing to appear on her acting credits or just accept that all hope of a professional career is gone and just enjoy while peddling her drugs?

[For those curious about the Tom Swift adventures, of course much of this is taken from "Tom Swift and His Diving Seacopter", one of the best books in the series which got me into science long, long, long ago.]

Disclaimer: All is Chuck's...

[Special note. Sorry for the delays on this and several others in progress but too many ideas at once and too much going on in real life these days. But, will see if we can move her along...]

Part XV...

Wishing Dr. Hofstadter good night...Firmly...Very firmly in Dr. Amy's case...Dr. Amy and Professor Proton, Jr. had returned to the galley where Munson Wyckcliffe awaited.

"So where's our Russkie exobio?" Munson eyed them. Ah...She grinned. "Trouble in Protonian paradise, eh?"

"No." Dr. Amy, curtly. "Right, Professor?"

"Uh, right. No. Trouble...Anywhere."

"We just felt it best for us to talk...Without her." Dr. Amy noted.

"Oh...?" noncommittal look.

"You know her government surely wants the cargo in its hands, Putinsky is little short of a dictator. Wyckcliffe, we have similar concerns about the cargo and ship falling into any government's hands..." Dr. Amy explained.

We do? "Oh, yes, we do. Governments bad. Except the good ole USofA." Proton noted.

"Any government, Proton." Amy frowned.

C'mon, play with me here...

"Ok...And I agree as to Mother Russia's grabby hands, though I don't trust any of them. Probably right to leave Proton's new girlfriend out..."

"Excuse me...?" Proton, blinking...

"Kidding...God knows any relationship of yours is strictly platonic, I know..." smile.

"Hardly." Amy, cold stare. "But our business...And not important here."

"Ooola-la..." chuckle by Wyckcliffe. "Amy, you have achieved the impossible if that's so. But ok..." she put up a hand to Amy's glare... "And so you'd be willing to help me see that doesn't happen..." Wyckcliffe eyed her. "Even if it might mean destroying the ship and its cargo?"

"Destroying? No..." Proton, hastily.

"We'd be concerned about the danger of contamination..." Amy, sighing...Eyeing Proton.

I clearly should have played the role of potential collaborator alone...

Maybe just possibly thrown in a bit of frustration with my...Associate...Proton...

"True enough...I'd only consider it as a last resort and only under as safe conditions as possible." Wyckcliffe nodded. "Fine then. I'll go this far...You can go ahead and let Swift know the ship's detected and on its way, he knows that already and it would make him suspicious if you held back data. For my part, I won't ask you to do anything now but when the time comes, after Swift shows his hand and makes it clear he means to seize the ship...All I ask is, you consider the consequences, both of you? And don't get in my way, if you can't see your way clear to helping me?"

The Adventures of Professor Proton, Jr.: "The Proton Express..."जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें