The Adventures of Professor Proton, Jr: "The Proton Express..." Part XLVII

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"The Adventures of Professor Proton, Jr: The Proton Express..."

Summary: In my first longer Proton Jr tale, can Prof Proton Jr. aka mild-mannered Sheldon Cooper and Dr. Amy aka Amy F. Fowler save the world at Christmas...And can Proton Jr. keep that blond sob of an engineering genius Tom Swift, Jr. away from his girl?

Equally important...Should Cameragirl Penny allow this thing to appear on her acting credits or just accept that all hope of a professional career is gone and just enjoy while peddling her drugs?

Disclaimer: All is Chuck's...

Part XLVII...

The Suburo section, rising rapidly toward the surface...

Bud and Tom having managed to reach and strap themselves into their control cabin chairs, Swift was trying desperately to raise Amy on radio...

"Ocean Arrow to Amy! Come in! Amy, we're free and heading for the surface, come in!"

"Ocean Arrow? This is the Lermontov..." Commander Putinsky's voice on radio. "Do you require assistance?"

Tom eyeing Bud who shook head...

Last thing we need right now...Amy's either safe or...

"No, thanks. We're all right now, heading for the surface. We'll be in touch in a bit. Swift out."

"That won't hold em for long." He noted to Bud. "How long to surface?"

"About 7000 feet to go yet." Bud, checking controls. "And we've just about exhausted the power supply. The suit should have protected her." He eyed the worried Tom.

"Lets hope so..." Swift nodded. "Not much we can do for her at this stage. Or for Bernadette and Proton."

"Well, they've got Sermek. And I'm sure Proton has some fun and easy-to-do-at-home science experiments to keep Wyckcliffe or our aliens amused." Bud noted, dryly.

"Amy? This is Swift on the Arrow." Tom tried again. "If you can hear me, we're surfacing in about twenty minutes or so. The Lermontov can assist if you need them."

Bud eyeing him as Tom shrugged. "Any port...Ya know?"

A sudden bang on the hull...Both looking.

"I don't know..." Bud flipped switches. "Sonar's dead..."

Another hard bang and then... At the now-cleared viewport...

"Amy!" Swift cried, as the waving arm of the Fat Man suit moved in front of the window.


Swift Enterprises...Office of Dr. Thomas Swift, Sr.

"You used your dark matter detector to reach the alien vessel, got aboard, and then jumped to the Outpost, using Tom's coordinates?" Dr. Swift eyed Proton on screen.

"And left my daughter...?" cold stare.

"To get help, Doctor. It was our only chance." Proton noted. "Bernadette didn't know the system. But I've got to go back at once, I just wanted you to know we were on the ship, as is Wyckcliffe. And to tell you not to trust Putinsky. He is working with Wyckcliffe."

"Yes...All right, I'll ask the Secretary General to move his forces in at once. Go and save my daughter, Proton." Dr. Swift, stern look but a pleading in his eyes.

("Lucas was crazy not to let him do the physical Vader..." Leonard sighed, watching. "What? I thought you always said Mr. Jones was Vader?" Penny stared.

"He did the voice...Another actor did the physical body." Leonard explained. "But I'm sorry, Mr. Prowse, this is Vader."

"Indeed..." Raj, Howard, sighing.)

The Adventures of Professor Proton, Jr.: "The Proton Express..."Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora