The Adventures of Professor Proton, Jr: "The Proton Express..." Part XXXI...

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"The Adventures of Professor Proton, Jr: The Proton Express..."

Summary: In my first longer Proton Jr tale, can Prof Proton Jr. aka mild-mannered Sheldon Cooper and Dr. Amy aka Amy F. Fowler save the world at Christmas...And can Proton Jr. keep that blond sob of an engineering genius Tom Swift, Jr. away from his girl?

Equally important...Should Cameragirl Penny allow this thing to appear on her acting credits or just accept that all hope of a professional career is gone and just enjoy while peddling her drugs?

Disclaimer: All is Chuck's...

Part XXXI...

"So, you somehow used the detector to teleport itself to you two and then you and the detector back here?" Dr. Amy eyed Proton, then Swift.

"No...We used the detector to harness the dark matter accumulated by the ship in relatively near space to create a warp bubble around itself similar to that around the ship only far smaller." Proton explained. "We then phase-shifted it so it and all items associated by the detector with it, including the physical detector could move through solid matter and called it over to us. We then expanded the field to include us and repeated the process back to here. No disintegration was involved. I dislike disintegration/reintegration scenarios. Another me? No way, Jose."

"Indeed." Tom agreed with smile.

"Do you two realize how dangerous that was? For us as well as you...?" Bernadette fumed. "Bud?" she turned to him.

"Bud!" frowning at Barclay eagerly peering at the detector controls having stepped over at once.

"Hmmn? Oh, sure...That was another brilliantly crwazy one, Thomas...Proton." He noted.

"It's Proton's modifications that did the trick, mirroring what we could figure out of the ship's drive field." Tom noted.

"Brilliant? Like the time his repelatron nearly killed you!" she fumed at Bud.

"Well, that was really my fault. I accidentally turned it on after using it to splatter soup all over the place for a joke on poor ole Chow, our cook. The repelatron's sensor corelated the primary water element of soup with the water component in my cells and started dehydrating me. It actually proved a very useful little mishap, Tom redesigned the sensor for far more efficiency." Bud, a bit sheepishly.

"In any case, there was no danger to you." Proton noted. "We were shifted totally out of sync with your state. And credit where credit is due, Tom dodaddled the navigational controls...The phase shift warp bubble is some NASA geek monkey's idea."

"Phased shift? In which case if your calculations were off by a millimeter, you'd've ended up in the water outside and been drowned and crushed to death." Amy frowned.

"Oh, crushed immediately, no worries as to drowning." Proton noted.

"Tom?!" Bernadette shook head.

"We were absolutely sure about the calculations, sis." Tom noted. "And now we have..."

"Unlimited power, starships, instantaneous earthly and solar system travel, the ability to travel through solid rock, a neat way to surprise your party guests?" Bud eagerly noted.

"A little too soon for all that..." Tom shook head. "But we have a way to get to and, hopefully, into the alien vessel before it reaches Earth."

"And possibly to control the vessel once we get there..." Proton, rather smugly.

Naturally when I choose to dodaddle I dodaddle amazingly.

"Great...Hand it over." Amy, grimly. "Ready to go warp hopping, Bernadette?"

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