"The Adventures of Professor Proton, Jr: The Proton Express..." Part XXXIV...

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"The Adventures of Professor Proton, Jr: The Proton Express..."

Summary: In my first longer Proton Jr tale, can Prof Proton Jr. aka mild-mannered Sheldon Cooper and Dr. Amy aka Amy F. Fowler save the world at Christmas...And can Proton Jr. keep that blond sob of an engineering genius Tom Swift, Jr. away from his girl?

Equally important...Should Cameragirl Penny allow this thing to appear on her acting credits or just accept that all hope of a professional career is gone and just enjoy while peddling her drugs?

Disclaimer: All is Chuck's...

Part XXXIV...

Aboard the Ocean Arrow, Arturo compartment...

"You got it?" Swift eyed Proton through the thick tomasite portal of his Fat Man submersible suit...

"Of course I get it..." Proton replied. Swift, Amy, Bernadette, and Bud only seeing his lips moving through the glass.

"You have to turn the transmitter on, Proton." Swift noted, sighing.

"Oh...Ok..." nod. "Roger that, wilco." Proton's voice now audible...

How is he ever gonna manage to work the detector controls with the suit hands...? Bud hissed to Bernadette. "He can't even work the radio."

"Great..." Swift sighed. "Now try out the arm and hand control...Just put your arm right up the..." he rubbed his forehead with fore- and second finger of his right hand as Proton put one foot into the left arm socket and his left hand into the right arm socket.

"There we...Oh!" All backing away as the suit toppled over.

"Huh...huh...huh...Humpty Proton sat on a wall..." Sermek spoke up... "Humpty Proton had a great fall...Uhhh..." As an annoyed Amy pulled out its power-pack.

Swift and Barclay lifting the suit up and opening the tomasite "glass" door to let a slightly battered Proton out.

"Hey, that was fun." He beamed to Dr. Amy's and the group's stunned surprise... "Let me try that again...You know I think I see now why Barclay enjoys his do-daddling."

"Proton, lets try this another way. Watch Bernadette get into her suit and use that incredible eidetic memory to remember the system, ok?" Swift suggested.

"All right...But I think I nearly got the hang of it this time."

"Uh-boy..." Bernadette sighed.

("It's very professional of you not to take the jokes at your expense badly, Sheldon." Amy noted.

"Oh, they're just saying I'll never be a do-daddler...I'm fine with that." He beamed. "Besides, I wasn't acting there, it was fun, like being at Disneyland again. Oh, can we go later?")

"Ok, we just have a few minutes before we've got to try this...Proton? Pay attention!" Bernadette insisted as Proton played with his suit control knobs a bit.

"We've gotta get one of these for my lab at home." He noted to Amy who sighed, rolling eyes. ("Seriously, I mean that." Sheldon noted.)

"That's it...Embrace the Do-Daddler side of the Force." Bud noted, mockingly.


"All right, we've assumed patrol position, maintain normal cruising speed...Inform Mr. Swift we are in position." Commander Putinsky ordered.

"Yes, Commander." The First noted. "But what about the Wyckcliffes?"

"Until ordered otherwise, we've no idea they're here...And until specially ordered they're still our (secret) allies. More than that your guess is good as mine." She told him calmly.

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