"The Adventures of Professor Proton,Jr: The Proton Express..." Part X

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"The Adventures of Professor Proton, Jr: The Proton Express..."

Summary: In my first longer Proton Jr tale, can Prof Proton Jr. aka mild-mannered Sheldon Cooper and Dr. Amy aka Amy F. Fowler save the world at Christmas...And can Proton Jr. keep that blond sob of an engineering genius Tom Swift, Jr. away from his girl?

Equally important...Should Cameragirl Penny allow this thing to appear on her acting credits or just accept that all hope of a professional career is gone and just enjoy while peddling her drugs?

Disclaimer: All is Chuck's...

Part X...

Swift and Proton seated in Swift's cabin about the Ocean Arrow, now 10000 feet in the air and proceeding to the South Atlantic, off the coast of Brazil.

"What are you frowning about now, Proton?" Swift eyed him.

"I don't see why Dr. Amy couldn't be here..." shifting about uncomfortably.

("That's my guy, pulling for me!" Amy, exultant.)

"...She could be fetching me the cold beverage you've failed to offer after inviting me here. Not to mention your telling me to fake seasickness to meet with you."

"You vomited five seconds after we headed out..."

"Yes, but that was in the sea...We're airborne now. And it's not only a lie but a logically absurd one...And I'm missing General Smith's briefing on more of what you know about your so-called aliens.."

"Considering it's my and Dad's data, don't you think it's odd I'm not there?"

"Not really..." shrug. "You're a dodaddler type, it's probably your dad's data and the General has that authority voice that sells nonsense."

"You still think this is all a hoax? That we haven't made contact and the aliens are not sending a dangerous cargo to Earth? And one of you we invited aboard may have diverted that cargo?" Swift regarded him.

"I haven't seen any proof outside Hawking's panicky tweets and texts. But he freaks out at the word 'alien'. Why am I here, Swift? And why did you lie about wanting to check equipment and consult with your father during the briefing? And tell me to lie."

"Which you did do..." Swift, shrewd look, leaning back.

("Sorry, Stuart..." Leonard helping him back up. "I should have warned you these chairs can't 'lean' much.")

"Only because I figured you wanted to come clean with me...Your greatest foe."

"Hardly my greatest foe, Proton. Unless you are the one who diverted the cargo...Come on, you believe me about the aliens. You'd never have come along if you didn't."

"I came to see you abjectly crash and burn...In a scientific sense, not for real, please Jesus..." nervous end...

"Suppose I show you proof."

"Of your exo-Martians?" chortle. "Have you got one here? Or maybe a fake corpse of one, who crashed at Roswell, New Mexico."

"Not at Roswell...And not in 1947..." Swift noted, waving him over to a computer, Proton hesitating.

"I think I should have a wingperson, in case there's any hanky-panky going on. Especially at 10000 feet in the air."

"Proton, if I'd wanted to bump you off, I could've done it back at the island or even after our first meeting. And how would having Dr. Amy here prevent...Whatever?"

"Well, apart from the fact she's a large human shield, a witness to anything you say. Hanky-panky even for me doesn't refer to physical violence...Unless you intend physical violence. And I warn you, as a Texan I can handle myself. These fists of death have felled many a foe." Proton frowned, waving fists of death.

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