"The Adventures of Professor Proton, Jr: The Proton Express..." Part IX

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"The Adventures of Professor Proton, Jr: The Proton Express..."

Summary: In my first longer Proton Jr tale, can Prof Proton Jr. aka mild-mannered Sheldon Cooper and Dr. Amy aka Amy F. Fowler save the world at Christmas...And can Proton Jr. keep that blond sob of an engineering genius Tom Swift, Jr. away from his girl?

Equally important...Should Cameragirl Penny allow this thing to appear on her acting credits or just accept that all hope of a professional career is gone and just enjoy while peddling her drugs?

Disclaimer: All is Chuck's...

Part IX...

"Dad..." Swift, seated beside Bud Barclay at the controls, the others now seated and strapped in for departure, behind them, beamed at the video screen of the Ocean Arrow's Subaro compartment. "Thanks for seeing us off. Is Mom well?"

"She's much better, son. Dr. Wyckcliffe, Professor Proton, Dr. Fowler, Dr. Hofstadter, scumbag..." The large, handsome face of Tom Swift, Sr. on screen eyed Bwarry coldly. "I'm grateful to most of you for agreeing to accompany my son on this mission."

"Dad's never forgiven Wyckcliffe male for our cousin." Bernadette sighed to Amy as Bwarry sulked and Munson glared

"Pregnant...?"Amy hissed.

"No, just...The idea of Bwarry Wyckcliffe and his niece. Much too eehew."

"I think I understand..." nod. "Are they still...?"

"God, no...I think she became a nun."

("Is this hilarity going to continue, screenwriter?" Lesley eyed Leonard coldly. "I realize it's like rolling off a log, getting in a cheap joke at Barry's expense but hows about an attempt at something more sophisticated. Or are we simply trying to pander to over-hormoned teens?"

Uh...Leonard blinked. Penny frowning.

"It's only a joke and to establish Bwarry W's rep..." Leonard, a bit lamely. "I don't mean to offend...Sheldon's getting hit a few times, you know."

Figurative, figurative...Amy hurriedly consoled a startled Sheldon...Hit?

"It's fine Dr. Winkle. I rwather trweasure my wrep as a studly fellow. And no one said I hurt the girl." Kripke noted, calmly. "I apprweciate that Hofstadter. Whatever people say about me, I trwy never to hurt my parwtner." Careful avoidance of Lesley's quick look.

"I'm still in wonder how Sheldon got James Earl Jones to play Dr. Swift." Howard noted to Bernadette.

"I just told him this was the chance to finally get his face as well as his voice in the role of the hero son's father." Sheldon noted, shrugging. "Mr. Jones leapt at the chance, he's been waiting decades for that.")

"Sorry you couldn't join us, Dad." Swift told the screen. "But I'm glad you'll be at Swift Enterprises to keep trying to reach our friends. Any luck there?"

"As yet no, my son. We'll be trying a few new ideas as we discussed." Swift, Sr.

("And does kinda kill the Nordic blonde Nazi thing for Tom..." Howard beamed to Bernadette.)

"This is your father?" Penova whispered to Bernadette, eyeing Dr. Swift on screen.

"Yeah, why?" Bernadette eyed the Russian. Amy frowning...

"Nothing. Is very great scientist, your father." Slightly sheepish shrug.

"Darn tootin'." Firm stare.

"I don't suppose given we're some of the world's greatest scientists, we could have a few details about your efforts to reach the aliens." Munson addressed the screen. "Of course not, we can't be trusted."

"No, Dr. Wyckcliffe. Given one of you is a traitor to Humanity, you can't." Swift, Sr., grim voice that even Munson flinched a bit at.

"Dad loves doing that 'Voice of God' thing, especially when he's pissed at someone." Bernadette noted to Amy. "I tell you when he told us to quiet down in the back seat of the car...We clammed right up. But he's all voice of doom and no bite, a sweetie really."

("So what was that between Russian Penny and Bernadette?" Sheldon hissed to Amy who whispered an explanation.


"You play a bigoted racist very well, Penny. And coming from East Texas, I should know." Sheldon called.)

"Our people here all understand that all information must be kept classified and need to know, Doctor." General Smith attempting to smooth feelings a bit.

"It's hard for us to help under such circumstances." Munson returned. "Though in Proton's case, what could it matter?"

"Munson is a silly name!" Amy, furious. "And speaking of matter, need I point out Professor Proton's already offered the first practical way to detect the alien vessel and its cargo, via his dark matter detector!"

"Right and if they don't use dark matter for power, useless as doing a chant or trying a divining rod or applying string theory." Wyckcliffe replied, archly.

"Sis...I think Prwoton may actually be on to something hewre." Bwarry urged.

"Lets focus on the problem at hand, ladies and gentlemen." Dr. Swift's stern voice silencing all. "We appreciate all your efforts and as the General says, it's only necessity that forces us to restrict information. Son? Do you believe you can reach the coordinates in time to anticipate the landing?"

"We should, Dad. We're heading out in five minutes. At normal speed we should get there in no more than twelve to thirteen hours, giving us plenty of time to set up."

"Good. Well, I'll monitor the situation here and if you need the Flying Lab we'll send it out as soon as possible."

"Right, thanks Dad."

"Good luck, son. Bernadette? My daughter." Swift, Sr. looked over to her. "Be safe. Mom sends her love. Mr. Barclay?" he addressed Bud standing by her. "I put my daughter's safety once again in your hands. Don't...Fail...Me." Grim look.

"No, sir." Bud nodding.

It's so nice to have a concerned dad who really terrorizes my boyfriends...Bernadette, contentedly.

"Safe journey to you all. We'll keep in touch. Swift Enterprises out." Swift, Sr told them, screen going black after a brief SE logo appeared and faded.

"All right." Swift looked round. "We're as ready as we'll ever be. Everyone check your seat belts and lets be off. Bud, take her out."

"Right...Everyone set? Good." Barclay adjusted his headset microphone. "Fearing Launch Control, this is Ocean Arrow, we're ready for cast off and submersion."

"This is Fearing Island Launch Control...You are go. Proceed out the channel and we'll see you on the surface for lift-off." The radio crackled.

"So we go underwater to the surface?" Proton looked to Amy.

"That's usually what submersion means, Neutron." Munson noted, grin to Bwarry in his seat. Though Bwarry not looking all that.

"We're off!" Bud called as the Ocean Arrow pulled away from the underground dock and began diving as it moved forward...Rotors in the mid-section, along with some ballast tank filling, pushing the craft down and under water in seconds.

"Underwater..." Proton eyed the wraparound forward viewport anxiously...

"It's fine. Tom told us this craft's been tested to a depth greater than four miles." Amy pointed out.

"Yeah, suck in those guts, Neutron." Munson called.

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