"The Adventures of Professor Proton, Jr: The Proton Express..."Part XLIII...

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"The Adventures of Professor Proton, Jr: The Proton Express..."

Summary: In my first longer Proton Jr tale, can Prof Proton Jr. aka mild-mannered Sheldon Cooper and Dr. Amy aka Amy F. Fowler save the world at Christmas...And can Proton Jr. keep that blond sob of an engineering genius Tom Swift, Jr. away from his girl?

Equally important...Should Cameragirl Penny allow this thing to appear on her acting credits or just accept that all hope of a professional career is gone and just enjoy while peddling her drugs?

Disclaimer: All is Chuck's...

Part XLIII...

The Lermontov, Commander Putinsky's bridge office...

The Commander seated behind her desk eyeing the seated Bwarry coldly... Munson a bit nervous, beside him.

"You left Swift for dead on the ocean floor...And you want us to further risk war by contact the UN forces and threatening to destroy the alien vessel with our missiles."

"That's wright, sweetheawrt." Bwarry beamed.

"Do not speak to Commander Putinsky in that manner..." her First Officer frowned.

"Yeah, suwre. Say, could you send youwr ewrrand boy hewre out for coffee owr something?" Bwarry turned to the Commander. "We have business to discuss."

"Commander..." the First Officer, dark glance to Bwarry.

"It's fine, Number One. Leave us and take the bridge."

"On youwr way, son." Bwarry, waving him off...

"Enough, Mr. Wyckcliffe..." Commander Putinsky frowned. "Number One, you have your orders, dismissed."

"Aye, Commander." Nod. Heading off with grim look.

"You sleepin' with the widdle fellow?" Bwarry asked, with grin as the door closed.

"Enough, Bwarry!" Munson, annoyed tone.

"If I were so inclined to break protocol, sir. I could not do better." The Commander eyed him. "Nor could he. But I would recommend you remember that you are an unofficial guest on my ship and that I am its commander. And 'accidents' can happen to unofficial guests at sea."

"I believe the last pawrt of that." Bwarry noted. "But, to the business at hand..." offhand wave.

"No one else knows Swift is at the bottom of the deep bwlue sea, so you'wre fine thewre..." he began...As the Commander, frowning, put up a hand.

"Please. Unless you are sure Swift is dead, I should expect he will find a way to reach the surface and make communication with the UN." She noted. "But, since we are not to blame for that..."

"Thanks to me...And sis." Bwarry nodded. "And you're welcome."

"Thank you." Dryly. "We needn't fear the consequences of your action there, except in our consciences." Cold tone.

"Gotta bwreak a few eggs to make the omelet, lady." Bwarry smiled.

"Indeed. Take care yours are not the eggs that we decide to break, Mr. Wyckcliffe." She eyed him coolly.

"As to your request that we broadcast that we shall destroy the spacecraft..." she sighed. "Surely that is an act we cannot avoid the consequences of...It is an act of war."

"Hawrdly. You awre simply twrying to save the Eawrth fwrom a tewrrible menace. Why, you and youwr cwrew awre hewroes and will be in the eyes of the world. Especially when youwr Pwresident denies any wresponsibility and 'owrdewrs' you to cease and desist."

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