"Adventures of Professor Proton, Jr: The Proton Express..." Part L

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"The Adventures of Professor Proton, Jr: The Proton Express..."

Summary: In my first longer Proton Jr tale, can Prof Proton Jr. aka mild-mannered Sheldon Cooper and Dr. Amy aka Amy F. Fowler save the world at Christmas...And can Proton Jr. keep that blond sob of an engineering genius Tom Swift, Jr. away from his girl?

Equally important...Should Cameragirl Penny allow this thing to appear on her acting credits or just accept that all hope of a professional career is gone and just enjoy while peddling her drugs?

Disclaimer: All is Chuck's...

Part L...

"Is everyone all right?" Swift called. "Bernadette, Dr. Amy?"

"Remarkably so..." Dr. Amy noted. "Proton?"

"Ok, Tom." Bernadette, rising to her feet.

"Yes...Though I did bang my knee a bit." Proton, rubbing leg.

"Not bad considering we should have been vaporized on hitting the water." Swift noted.

"You would have been vaporized..." Sermek noted, a bit smugly. "I would have been singed a little."

("This is delightful..." Raj noted happily to Leonard, muting his microphone. "I get superstrength in a robot body and be snarky as hell to everyone, especially Sheldon.")

"And broken into about a thousand bits." Proton frowned.

"I self-repair, meat bag. Do you?" Sermek, definitely smug.

("Leonard...!" Sheldon called, annoyed. "Sheldon, we're going for a Smith and Robot vibe here." Leonard shrugged. "Really? I'm Dr. Smith?" Sheldon eyed him. "Minus the sabotage and the murder, and the murder attempts, yeah." "Oh, well then. Carry on, you clattering bucket of bolts." He addressed the Sermek automaton, Howard controlling.

"Yeah, just be careful Howard doesn't grab your you know what with one of those hands." Penny noted, cheerily. "He's been known not to know what to do with robot hands." Grin to Amy who offered smile back.

"Well, Sheldon has been a good sport in most of this." Penny noted off-handedly to Leonard.)

Mary's holoimage reappearing... "Is everyone well?"

"Yes, thanks Mary..." Bernadette spoke up. "Your ship is remarkable."

"We're glad you survived." Mary offering what they assumed was a smile. "I'm attempting to transmit our success to my creators. Hopefully the jamming has ceased. But we are still descending toward the ocean floor. Expect impact in one minute, twenty-five seconds."

"Will your hull hold?" Tom asked.

"With protective shields, similar to your repelatron, it should." Mary nodded. "But, I don't think we can maneuver in your ocean, I'm sorry."

"The specimens are safe?" Bernadette, anxiously.

"All containment systems are functional." Mary replied. "Not to worry, I'm keeping them safe."

"No way to stop and reverse us back to the surface, Mary?" Tom asked.

"I'm afraid not, Thomas." Mary shook head, in quite human gesture. "It drained my power cells considerably to manage our landing, though again, containment is secure."

"You'll be all right, Mary?" Dr. Amy, concerned.

"Oh, yes. My power systems will recharge. Just not able to help as I wish I could, Amy. I'm sorry."

"Not at all, you saved our lives as well as the specimens." Amy replied. "Thank you so much."

"Yeah...Thanks." Bwarry suddenly rising. And grabbing Dr. Amy... "All right, Swift...Proton, if you want...Ooof!" as Dr. Amy elbowed him in the gut. He falling back.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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