"The Adventures of Professor Proton, Jr. : The Proton Express..." Part XI

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"The Adventures of Professor Proton, Jr: The Proton Express..."

Summary: In my first longer Proton Jr tale, can Prof Proton Jr. aka mild-mannered Sheldon Cooper and Dr. Amy aka Amy F. Fowler save the world at Christmas...And can Proton Jr. keep that blond sob of an engineering genius Tom Swift, Jr. away from his girl?

Equally important...Should Cameragirl Penny allow this thing to appear on her acting credits or just accept that all hope of a professional career is gone and just enjoy while peddling her drugs?

Disclaimer: All is Chuck's...

Part XI...

Proton still glaring over Swift's "assignment"...

"All right..." Swift put up a hand. "And your dark matter detector is our one advantage...It could potentially detect the ship before it comes down. That edge could be vital, thanks to you."

Proton eyeing Swift's look coolly...Relenting at last...

"Thank you..."

"And given it would make you a prime target for Wyckcliffe or any henchpeople she may have handy..." Swift grinned.


"Don't worry, there's no one else on board...We've checked her from stem to stern. You just have to worry about Munson and Bwarry...By the way, that might explain why Wyckcliffe male suddenly decided to bury the hatchet with you, to learn more about your detector. Lucky he or his sis didn't decide to bury it in your skull."

("Oh, I be likin' this." Lesley beamed. "When do I let the guy have it?"

"Prwobbly never." Kripke, calm stare.

"Where the hell is Winkle going?" Howard fumed, pulling back from the video camera. "Cut!" Bernadette yelled.

"Barry..." Penny sighed. "This isn't her fault."

"Just a mattwer of an X chrwomosome, eh?" Kripke glared. "Lucky for you, Hofstwadter's miss...Hey!" he fell back at Penny's quite solid punch to his jaw.

"Guys...?" Leonard had hurried over. "Barry? What's he done?" he eyed Penny's grimly furious face.

"I'm sorwy...Sorwy..." Kripke, dripping a little nose blood, but clearly sobbing.

God, Raj had joined them, watching Kripke hurry away.

Some guys are just little girly men...He noted to Penny, who caused him to recoil with her icy stare.

"Zip it, Raj."

"Penny?' Leonard sighed. "Do I need to go...?"

I give odds on Kripke in the match...Bernadette hissed to Howard who sighed. "I can't take those odds, honey."

"No...I need to. It's all right, honey." Penny shook head, pausing.

"You don't need me to handle guys like Kripke, I know that." She noted, firmly. "It's just very feminist of you." And hurried off, after Kripke as Leonard nodded to her.

"Yeah a true feminista is our Hofstadter, male." Howard hissed to Bernadette.

"Like you don't need me to threaten guys for you?" she frowned.

"Yeah...But I admit it." Howard pointed out.

"True enough, my little Quark." She beamed.)

"And you didn't choose to warn me?" Proton fumed.

"I guess I figured you'd be protected by either Dr. Amy or your 'fists of death'." Swift grinned. "Besides, Bwarry's never been much of an ecofreak. He's strictly into the mercenary side of Science on the whole. I doubt she's confided much to him, probably just told him to pump you for info and offered him a cut of anything she could make on the specimens."

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