The Adventures of Professor Proton, Jr: "The Proton Express..." Part XXXII...

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"The Adventures of Professor Proton, Jr: The Proton Express..."

Summary: In my first longer Proton Jr tale, can Prof Proton Jr. aka mild-mannered Sheldon Cooper and Dr. Amy aka Amy F. Fowler save the world at Christmas...And can Proton Jr. keep that blond sob of an engineering genius Tom Swift, Jr. away from his girl?

Equally important...Should Cameragirl Penny allow this thing to appear on her acting credits or just accept that all hope of a professional career is gone and just enjoy while peddling her drugs?

Disclaimer: All is Chuck's...

Part XXXII...

Bernadette and Dr. Amy eyed each other as Tom finished outlining his and Proton's plan to the group in the Arturo compartment of the Ocean Arrow...

"Are you insane?!" Dr. Amy summarized their joint conclusion.

("Comic books, Avengers, Star Wars, Star Trek... C'mon Sheldon." Howard sighed at Sheldon, fingers in ears, crouched by his chair on the "set", actually the Cal Tech gym's basketball court.

"It's the basic suspension of disbelief, Sheldon..." Leonard tried. "We accept it all the time...You accept it all the time. And then bore us to death with endless discussions of the science holes."

"Sweetie." Penny, drily.

"Ok, we all do that." Leonard admitted.

"That's not what's upsetting him." Amy shook head, whispering in Leonard's ear.

Oh, right...

Naturally...Rolls eyes

Whispers to Howard who likewise rolls eyes. Whispering to Bernadette...

You gotta be kidding...

"Well..." Leonard shrugs. "If he actually had..."

"And anything for a little peace on my set." Howard noted. "And of course..." eyeing Bernie...

"The show must friggin' go on?" she eyed him. "Fine. But..."

"I was prepared, actually." Leonard turns to a zippered bag.

"His" set? Penny, blinking at Howard in monocle, in portable beach chair with paper "Director" sheet taped. And that's an actor's "show must go on..." line. Friggin' or otherwise.

Well, so long as I'm in good with herr director...

And his "assistant" being Bernadette, I know it's "her" director.

"Seriously?" Bernadette stared.

"I'll do it." Amy offered.

"No, that could be construed as nepotism." Leonard noted.

"Oh, come on..." Bernadette glared.

"I'll do it, Howard." Penny offered, with smile, standing in her Commander's uniform. "I kinda look like a glorified messenger boy/girl."

"Hey...That's my role." Raj frowned to Howard.

"The suckin'-up's fine so long as it's to the Director, not you." Bernadette hissed to a slightly concerned Howard.

"Professor Arthur Proton, Jr...?" Penny, standing by the still crouching Sheldon. "Proton! Proton! Proton! Hey!" she tapped him hard on shoulder.

"Hey?" he took fingers out of ears and regarded her.

"Leonard?" Penny turned to him, he coming over. "Go."

"I represent the Nobel Prize committee of 2021..." he began, speaking to her. She repeating to Sheldon. "Based in Oslo, Norway, we..."

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