The Adventures of Professor Proton, Jr: "The Proton Express..." Part XXVIII...

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"The Adventures of Professor Proton, Jr: The Proton Express..."

Summary: In my first longer Proton Jr tale, can Prof Proton Jr. aka mild-mannered Sheldon Cooper and Dr. Amy aka Amy F. Fowler save the world at Christmas...And can Proton Jr. keep that blond sob of an engineering genius Tom Swift, Jr. away from his girl?

Equally important...Should Cameragirl Penny allow this thing to appear on her acting credits or just accept that all hope of a professional career is gone and just enjoy while peddling her drugs?

Disclaimer: All is Chuck's...

Part XXVIII...

"Sermek...Extend right claw." Bernadette commanded. The giant B-9 Sermek standing before her extending claw as ordered.

"Ok, pick up the analyzer tube..."

Sermek's claw closed on the said tube, crushing it.

"Uh-boy..." Bernadette shook head. "Open claw." Picking up the shattered tube from the floor...

"I dunno, guys." She eyed the robot in the Arturo compartment, all having moved back from Suburo after the communication with the Outpost in Space and Swift's additional sweeps of the two compartments and the rotor section for listening devices. Swift having pronounced the Arturo most likely the place where any such had been concealed given the placement of Proton's dark matter detector.

"Sermek's very good but he's not up to handling the sort of instruments I'd want to use."

"I beg to differ, Dr. Rostenkowski-Swift." Sermek replied in crisp tones.

("The tones of Dick Tufeld, the original voice of the "Lost in Space" B-9, through the miracle of digitalized audio dubbing, Howard proudly noted.

Of course, for Mr. Jones, my new copy will be seven feet. He's a stickler for detail, which I appreciate, he noted to Bernadette.

"He is paying for it?"

"Materials and he'll record our phone greeting. 'You've failed me for the last time, Caller....Wrong...Number.' Heck, we'll never see another solicitation call again." Beam.

"Good enough." She nodded.)

"I am fully capable of handling any instrument with proper programing. I recommend more extensive programming...By a competent programmer. Huh-huh-huh." Indicator lights flashing.

"Hey!" Bernadette glared. "What's with the cracks, Sermek?"

"Sorry, ma'am. I was clearing my audio circuits." The robot noted. Bernadette giving it a narrow-eyed look.

"Cute." Bernadette frowned at the eight-foot tall Sermek, the robot keeling over to the right with an "unh...", arms flopping down, as she yanked his side power pack. "That your idea, bro?" she eyed Swift who rolled eyes.

"He's not mocking you, sis. Just stating the facts as he sees 'em." Swift noted.

Proton archly eyeing Dr. Amy... I saw that wave Barclay made to Sermek to keep quiet.

"Fine...So?" Bernadette frowned.

"Bud and I'll see what we can do to fine tune him." Swift sighed.

"And you might erase his attempts at Seinfeld bits while you're at it. I still think I should go in...There's no need to take such chances." Bernadette insisted.

"I don't get why your best buddy, Tom, lets this go on, Proton." Amy hissed to Proton as they watched. "We found the listening device an hour ago in the rotor section."

"He wants the Wyckcliffes to think they've fooled him. And to feed them misinformation." Proton whispered, shrugging. "Sounds wise to me...Give that sidewinder the same he gave us."

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