"The Adventures of Professor Proton, Jr: The Proton Express..." Part XL...

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"The Adventures of Professor Proton, Jr: The Proton Express..."

Summary: In my first longer Proton Jr tale, can Prof Proton Jr. aka mild-mannered Sheldon Cooper and Dr. Amy aka Amy F. Fowler save the world at Christmas...And can Proton Jr. keep that blond sob of an engineering genius Tom Swift, Jr. away from his girl?

Equally important...Should Cameragirl Penny allow this thing to appear on her acting credits or just accept that all hope of a professional career is gone and just enjoy while peddling her drugs?

Disclaimer: All is Chuck's...

Part XL...

"Ok..." Amy over intercom to Bud and Swift in the Suburo compartment. "I'm at the egress tunnel to the outer hatch. Sorry if I was a little spacey...My boyfriend being a lot, right now." giggle.


"It's ok..." Tom replied to his mike. "Just watch yourself, Amy. And careful going out."

"Ok. Well, I see the hatch, it's partially twisted, really banged up. Can you see on the video?"

Tom and Bud peering at the video screen of the feed from Amy's Fat Man suit camera...

"Amy?" Bud called. "We can see the tunnel and the hatch. Something heavy must have landed on it, probably half the mountainside. Try and see if you can open it. It should push out but be ready for something to fall in on you."

"Right...Move up the tunnel...It's pretty dark and twisted." Giggle. "I would make a joke about this, but Proton would never be able to face his mom again." Giggle.

"I get the joke." Bud noted, grinning to Tom.

("The tunnel Amy's moving through is dark and twisted, why would my character's mom be upset by that?" Sheldon asked.

"Well..." Leonard began... "See...The thing is..."

"Actually, Amy explained it to me." Sheldon noted. "I just wanted to see you squirm the way you do when you're embarrassed about something." Arch look.

"Great. Leonard is spanked. Can we please move along? These suit costumes rent by the hour you know." Howard frowned, twisting his monocle. "Yeah, lets get on with it, people!" Bernadette barked.

"I've taken care of that..." Mr. Jones called from his seat. "Don't worry, it's nothing..." grinning, to the gang's look. "I loved Tom Swift and I always wanted a couple of those. Flynn and my wife'll love 'em for our pool."

I kinda always wanted one myself, Wil thought. Of course, we can't all be lucky enough to choose the big bucks franchise appealing to the masses in place of the elegant, cerebral television series appealing to true fans interested in real space science, slight sulk.

"Just invite him and his son to your next Dungeons and Dragons tournament..." Bernadette hissed to the dejected-looking Wil. "And I'm buying one for Howie and me, he just didn't want the others to know."

"You don't suppose...I mean..." Leonard was eyeing Penny at the same time, glancing over at the Fat Man suits.

"Hey, I'm paying for these uniforms." She frowned, smoothing her Commander's uniform down. "And I'm getting you a robot for Christmas if Howard can manage it. You can buy your fancy space scuba suit with the special account and the money the government gave you for your guidance system. How much was that again?" stare.

"Yeah...But that's Penelope's college fund." Leonard sighed.

"If she's like me, she won't mind Daddy spending a few thou on his toys, so long as it gives her an edge to whine for some for her." Penny grinned. "You have my blessing, Number One. Which you so, so are..." whispering, kissing him.

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