"The Adventures of Professor Proton, Jr: "The Proton Express..." Part II

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"The Adventures of Professor Proton, Jr: The Proton Express..."

Summary: In my first longer Proton Jr tale, can Prof Proton Jr. aka mild-mannered Sheldon Cooper and Dr. Amy aka Amy F. Fowler save the world at Christmas...And can Proton Jr. keep that blond sob of an engineering genius Tom Swift, Jr. away from his girl?

Equally important...Should Cameragirl Penny allow this thing to appear on her acting credits or just accept that all hope of a professional career is gone and just enjoy while peddling her drugs?

Disclaimer: All is Chuck's...

Part II...

Cue canned music...

Dramatically panoramic color video shots of huge, sprawling lab complex...

"Welcome." The announcer, famed actor Hank Thomas. ("Do you want to get sued?" Howard noted, pausing in his Tom Hanks imitation to eye a frowning...My honey's talents should be acknowledged...Bernadette.) "To the future..." quietly awe-inspiring tone. "Welcome...To Swift Enterprises."

Music swelling...Cuts to various Swift projects around the world as well as a number of revolutionary Swift inventions...

"Whether it's blasting to the Earth's core with his atomic earth blaster..." Thomas' voice intoned as shot of Swift team cheering a gusher of molten iron at the South Pole... "Or probing the mysteries of the ocean floor in his jetmarine..." shot of jet-propelled sub racing along sea floor... "Or building a permanent habitation in high Earth orbit to provide endless solar power while bringing criminal fossil fuel executives bent on his destruction to Justice..." shot of Swift giant Outpost in Space under construction at 22,800 miles while insert shows the evil Kloch brothers being hauled off to jail... "Or descending into caves of nuclear fire in Africa"...Shot of Swift craft descending into radioactive pit.... "You know it's Swift Enterprises that will lead the way...The way into the Future of Humanity."

"Lovely..." Proton, Jr. frowned, eyeing video projection as he, Dr. Amy, the eternally youthful Swift, the devastatingly yet ruggedly handsome General Smith, and assorted scientific experts sat in a conference room in a secret base in an undisclosable location... "But what's a crassly cheap promo for you got to do with space aliens, Swift?"

"We felt it was important to establish that Mr. Swift was considered the man to run this project by dint of his expertise and experience and all-around genius." General Smith noted. "Also the aliens contacted him and his dad first, probably because he's had the private lock on deep space flight the past ten years."

"Oh, anyone could get up there if they've nothing to do constructively with their careers in real science..." Proton, Jr. noted, frowning.

"Well, Professor...Mr. Swift did develop the repelatron anti-gravity drive system, a whole new method of space travel." The General pointed out.

"Eh...Hawking's got a warp drive ship on the books that he could fly in his wheelchair that could leave Swift's Challenger in the dust...If he weren't so scared of aliens and had a few hundred billion to build it." Proton, Jr. pointed out.

"Theory only, Proton...Lets see the practical application, then we can lay bets on speed..." Swift called.

"The fact remains, gentlepeople..." the General insisted... "Swift has the ships and space base...and the aliens contacted him, first."

"Yes, yes...Aliens. " Proton, Jr. frowned. "What aliens exactly? Where are they from...? And if you tell me, Mars...Or Venus...I will laugh you out of this room."

"Actually they were from Mars...Originally...As best we can understand them. But they built a giant ship to see the Galaxy and headed off to do so eons ago, everyone of them before the full ecologic disasters hit Mars."

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