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My hands nervously pulled at the cuffs of my jumper as I made my way down to darkened halls towards the courtyard.

Thankfully now that Luna knew what was going on, she was able to bide me some more time in the evenings. I think now that Ginny was back anyway, Neville felt slightly more at ease somehow, like it wasn't just down to him to protect everyone.

My brow furrowed as I stepped out into the cold night, rubbing my arm as I looked around for any sign of Blaise.

"Ivy! Up here!" My head quickly turned upwards at the sound of Blaise's voice, seeing his face grinning down at me from the top of one of the old structures.

"How did you even get up there?" I tried to call back up to him as quietly as I could, looking around to make sure none of the death eaters were around.

His hand gestured to the thick vines that cascaded down the wall, causing me to groan as I realised it would require physical effort. Not my forte.

I huffed as I gracelessly clung to the wall, grunting as I tried my best to crawl up towards the top.

My hands suddenly slapped down on top of the brick at the top, scowling as I saw Blaise smirking at me as he lifted a bottle of whiskey to his lips.

"You know, a little help would be nice."

He chuckled, shaking his head as he crawled over and yanked me the rest of the way up, his body returning to the spot propped against the wall as I tried to catch my breath against the stone.

"Was...was that really necessary?" I managed to shuffle myself besides him as I caught my breath, hanging my head between my knees.

"Did you want to be spotted by death eaters? Didn't think so." He sluggishly waved his wand in front of us, casting a warming charm that was happily welcomed by my freezing skin.

"Take this." He reached beside him before handing me a bottle of tequila, watching as I slowly took it into my grasp.

"What are you doing?" I asked suspiciously, realising that Zabini was far from sober.

"Well you're in a shit situation, and so am I. So drink this Friday night away with me please, and I'll tell you what I know about Draco. And you'll offer me some advice about Pansy."

I scoffed, shaking my head as I unscrewed the tequila lid and brought the spirit up to my lips.

"You're asking me for advice about Pansy? The girl hates me, I doubt I'm going to have many words of praise to offer you." I grimaced at the burning sensation as the liquid ran down my throat, but none the less I took another swig.

"She doesn't actually hate you. She just hates what you hold a threat to." My brow furrowed as Blaise tilted his head up to the night sky, drumming his fingers against the half empty bottle of whiskey.

"And that is...?" I rolled the bottle of tequila between my finger tips, watching as my breath clouded in-front of me.

"Safety. You see, since her parents found out she had become acquaintances with Mr.Malfoy here, the only thing they were bothered about was marrying her away into safety. If Pansy could step into the Malfoy family name and produce an heir for Draco, then undoubtedly her family would have done Lucius a great favour in continuing their bloodline, and as he's one of the Dark Lord's closest followers, it means protection for her and her parents too. Simply put; marry Draco, chances of getting killed by the Dark Lord are significantly diminished."

He sighed, leaning his head back against the cold brick wall.

"But Draco was never interested, never has been in a girl for more than just casual sex. And even then they were just one night stands until you came along and fucked him up for good." He chuckled to himself, slurring as he turned his head to examine me. "I wasn't born yesterday. When I came back to you and Draco after the project in his room I knew something was up then. He confirmed it for me after he became a jealous fuck when I even offered to take your work to Snape, threatened to beat me down with a bludger for a week."

Requisite - Draco Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now