Chapter 11.

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Chapter 11.

I couldn't really sleep this morning at all and it wasn't because of the floor. Every time I would close my eyes I would try to piece together all the things Vance might have mentioned about Ally. When his moods would change he would let things slip here and there. At first. Had thought that maybe he finally settled down with some girl and wanted to keep her a secret.

Vance started calling more. He seemed his normal happy self most of the time but, Vance is my brother, I knew even by only his voice that something was really bothering him. I'm beginning to think it had something to do with this girl. I don't blame him. What he has openly said about Ally were only things that lead me to believe she has a great personality she doesn't share to much and she's a good friend to Vance. A friend that came with a warning label I'm sure.

So 9am and I'm making eggs to thank her. I'm not really sure why? I know she's been doing most of the work on my new place, I guess? She did let me stay.

Her apartment was interesting. That brings me to the kitchen. Eggs and toast was really my only option. She lived like a fresh bachelor. Two plates,two cups, two bowls, a few spatulas and utensils, two pans, ect. It was odd for a woman. On the up side she did have a nice coffee maker.

I began to hear shuffling from Ally in the other room, waking up. A light groan. Then her closet opening and closing. Another groan then a thud and a few choice colorful word making me laugh.

When Ally finally managed to make it out she was in the same t-shirt and a fresh pair of jogging sweats. My breath caught in my throat for a moment and I couldn't help the image of her with less on last night from crossing my mind. Once she decided I wasn't a break-in I came to terms with the fact that this sexy little minx bested me. Trying not to let my imagination take advantage of the memory of her on top of me, minus the knife and few pieces of clothing, I pushed for a not so obvious expression, turning and tossed two pieces of toast in the toaster.

Pushing her adorable bed hair out of her face, she looked at the eggs and then up at me with sleepy, slightly puffy eyes and a curious expression. She hadn't slept much, I'd heard her tossing and mumbling most of the time she was in there.

With a sheepish grin I said good morning and she only shrugged and grabbed a mug and some coffee, head hanging lower. I had some empathy for her lack of rest. She just sat down in silence, hugging her mug of coffee close at the two seat table behind me.

Breakfast was quick to make and I set some in front of Ally's hunched over with her legs tucked up under her form, before sitting myself in front of my own breakfast. She looked tiny sitting all curled up like that and it wasn't until I got down to the same level did I realize she might actually be sleeping. In silence, I studied the slight sleepy pout of her lips and curves of her face slightly covered by a stray lock of hair. The way her brows were knitted together a bit told me she wasn't relaxed even though she might have fallen asleep.

"Ally?" I questioned softly. When I reached to grab her semi tilted mug out of her hands so she wouldn't spill, her eyes snapped open. She was still very alert just sleepy. I smiled apologetically. "I didn't want you to spill if you really were asleep." I shrugged.

She gave me a small smile and looked down at her plate. "Eggs huh?" She gingerly grabbed a fork and stabbed a bite.

I watched her take the first few bites looking pleased before speaking. "Figured I would make you breakfast for trading the knife for a blanket."

She silently looked amused and bit her lip to hold in a smile. "Sorry about that?"

I laughed rinsing my plate and filling her mug again. "Don't worry about it."

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