Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

The connection was lost from the transmitter but we had a close enough tail to narrow down the area. It's not like it brought any comfort though. I wanted her out and now we were delayed again. The thought of my kitten being in the hands of those sadistic monsters made me sick.

My pulse sped pumping my adrenaline once we finally found the building and moved into position. This was it. This had to be it. I took a deep breath scanning the area. The Trovessa's numbers have grown but so had ours. We waited for an opening to wire the front as the transport vans fell into place around the area.

"Three guards and a camera in the back. We blow the front and draw them forward before flushing them back." The Commander spoke to us all as his explosives tech wired up the front. "Keep the heat sensor on to give me the signal. We don't want to blow anybody up. We want them in custody. You drop those sensors before it blows or you won't be able to see."

We waited and when the mark was given, the building was blown and we all moved forward in gear to deal with the smoke. The place was rushed and several shots were fired pushing the police back behind the haze. Tear gas tapered off the bullets in the sky. Rushing forward I frantically searched for Ally among the chaos. shooting as many legs I could find and kicking guns away, disabling them for round up on the way through.

The lead teams moved forward, flushing the warehouse as the second team completed the disarming and a third worked the outside for stragglers.

The Commander signaled for me to go right as he went left and we came around the same wall. I kicked a gun farther away from a hunched over figure and checked our surroundings. The Commander lifted his head to identify him. "Domino!" He yelled through the mask and I nodded. No matter how much I wanted to kick him in the face he was already unconscious and I needed to find Ally, couldn't afford the distraction. He let his head drop and signaled for me to move forward while he left Domino in zip ties.

The floor plan opened up again to another discarded body. Two more uniforms came in to collect him and the commander and I moved out into the lot to check cars. I pulled off my mask in frustration. Where the hell was she! My pulse began to rise in panic as I counted bodies in my head. "She's not here! Have all the rooms been checked yet?! Search them all!! Start asking questions!" He shook his head and then changed it when he received new confirmation they hadn't found her.

The Commander pulled off his mask. "I'm sorry. We can do a head count and search the area. We'll see what answers we can get."

Pulling at my hair I screamed my frustration before kicking the nearest car. "You do your fucking head count! Ill search!" Trail. Trail. Think, damn it. Body one Domino. Body was Drake had to be. "Who was near the back on the floor?" I asked through the radio.

"Drake, sir." There was my answer.


"Not accounted for yet, sir."

Keeping my eyes peeled the Commander sent a few men out to widen the net, already so many hands full inside. I was left with only three to help search.

"Ally! If you can here me yell!!" I scanned the over grown ground cover near the trees in the back lot again after nearly an hour of searching. I'd lost her. Oh, god.

My heart dropped to my stomach and I took off, sure I had really seen it. A hand, a small pale hand sticking up from the grass. Oh, god let her be ok. Branches snapped in my path as I sprinted. "She's here!!" I called out to the others in relief and they rushed forward scanning the area around her for anyone else.

Ally lifted her hand again weakly, not certain she'd been seen. I rushed forward grabbing her hand as her body came into sight. "Go get the medic!" I demanded in a panicked voice and one of the men rushed off while the other two helped clear out some of the brush around her.

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