Chapter 5.

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Chapter. 5

When I made it back up to Ally she was standing in the middle of the room with her back facing the door. Setting down the six pack and a soda, I noticed how still she was standing with the broom near mid motion in her hands. "Ally?"

Walking up to her I realized that she hadn't heard me or moved. I could hardly even see the slight rise and fall of her breathing. "Ally?" I spoke softly and looked around the open apartment. To make sure we were alone.

She had this slight pained expression like she had a migraine and her eyes were far off and sad, her stare empty. I was standing right in front of her and she didn't even know I was here for her. I pushed back her wild blonde hair and she jumped wildly snapping out of it for a moment a look of terror struck her face before it vanished. Holding her face between my hands I waited until she calmed and looked at me.

"What happened? What's wrong?" I asked searching her blue eyes for answers.

"I'm sorry. I'm just...I need sleep. I'm ok." She let out a shaky breath. "I'm ok."

The hell if I believed her. She would do this from time to time. The far off look. Like she wasn't even really there. This was the first time I had ever seen her not snap out of it on her own though. She was completely oblivious usually that I caught her doing it and just continued on with what she was doing.

"Tell me. Please." I pleaded, feeling her now feverish skin.

"I just need to go to bed. I'm sorry." She gave me a weak smile. "Really. I'm ok now."

Kissing me on the cheek she turned and made for the door. "Wake me when you want to go get supplies. Get some sleep."

It was 10:30am by the time I was coherent enough to sit up in bed. I slept like crap. Every time I closed my eyes I pictured my little Ally's terrified expression. Running my fingers through my hair I groaned and stood up. I would have to shower and go wake her up but first I needed to call Josh.

"Hey, man." Josh answered on the second ring.

I smiled at the sound of his voice. "Hey, how's it goin bro?" I really did miss having him around. So did mom and dad.

"Did you just wake up?" He asked catching my down mood.

"Yeah, I slept like shit. You got any idea on paint color for your apartment? I'm about to shower and pick up Ally." With the phone to my ear I threw an outfit down on the bed.

"No. I don't have much of a preference. Just keep it relaxing. Thanks for this by the way, bro. I'm just not sure where I want to look for a house there yet. I put in for a transfer to the SWAT team there and I'm going to be doing contract work for a security company a few weeks after I settle in."

"I'm glad your moving back. Mom and dad are too. It's just I gotta talk to you about Ally before you get here." I let out a long breath.

"What's going on man? This got anything to do with your crabby phone calls lately?" He tried to joke to lighten the mood a bit.

"No it's just Ally's like a little sister to me. She's one of my best friends. I really care about her Josh so I need to fill you in before you get here and you have to keep it to yourself." The line was silent so I continued. "Ally's a runner. She's running from something real bad, man. Don't push her when you get here. If she brushes off or ignores a question, then drop it. I don't want her to split for something stupid. She's been living in the apartment next to yours and I've been hiding her."

"You're kidding?" Josh let out a sigh. "This is why you sound so off lately? She won't go to the police?"

"No. If she wants to tell you sometime what's really going on she will, just please don't scare her off man."

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