Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

The door to my five by five room had been thrown open by Rico. I struggled against him and my brother had walked in putting a white cloth over my mouth and nose while Rico held my arms. The last words I slurred, giving him a smirk before my world spun black was, I kill you.

That's how I got to this tub of ice, the fridged shock waking me from my chemical induced sleep. The amount I inhaled off the cloth kept me unconscious long enough to get my arms tied to the sides of one of those long metal water troffs. I cursed circumstance. Beyond my uncontrollable shiver and tightening muscles I knew the transmitter was probably toast.

Biting down I tried to keep my teeth from chattering. A bright lamp flipped on revealing Elijah, Ryker, and the five. I was right. From the position I was in now I wished I hadn't been.

"I hate to have to punish you when we haven't seen each other in so long." Elijah sat on a stool casually, pushing up his sleeves, propping up his leg on the tub, looking down at me. "Spoils things now doesn't it?" I blinked the water out of my eyes trying not to chatter. "Where were you?"

He wanted to know where I was? When? The last time? All of them put together? What? Even if he were more specific I wouldn't be straight. I was already screwed. "Training."

He smiled like a shark. "With?" He huffed. "Why not train with us? Are we not up to your expectations?" He stood growing angry. "Did we not make you one of the best?!!!"

"I enjoyed the quiet time. Consider it a sabbatical." My answer had only earned me a trip underneath the layer of cubes that floated near the surface of the tub. My lungs burned and my wrist were being cut up by their restraints. When I thought I might not be able to take anymore, I was pulled up by my shirt, gasping and coughing for air, lungs burning.

"Where?!" He demanded. I glared at him through my cough. He dunked me again and counted slowly before pulling me up again. "You could make it all stop." He bit out inches from my face as he held my shirt.

I spat out water and gasped. "Wrong question." Back under the water. I wasn't sure if I felt the cold anymore.

He pulled me up again and shot me a look that said I could die with the rest if I answered wrong. My answer was always wrong. "You better start talking if you want out of this tub!" He was growing impatient as I debated my answer.

"I left because I had no protection against being raped at the age of sixteen. I learned how to fight because of it! You left me with no protection!" I was losing it, beginning to feed on Elijah's shift in posture. "Drake chose not to protect me! I am strong because I choose to be!"

"Get her out of the tub." Elijah's voice was flat as he snapped at Ryker and the group of five of my fathers most trusted. The entire foundation of the family had to now be under this roof and he had left the worst to fish me out.

Ryker unsnapped my restraints and my father took one more look at me before exiting the room. The cold assaulted my body once more, the circulation starting again with my movements. I pushed Ryker away, the warmth in his hands scorching my skin. How long had I really sat in the ice? I felt tired trying to push myself from the floor.

Two men moved in beside Ryker. "No." He ordered them back and swiftly they shared a look before complying and giving Ryker space. Ryker reached for me again and my disoriented dodge landed me back against the concrete. Lazily my head lulled back and I was beginning to think that I was taken too far. This might really be the end.

I felt hands on me during the in between and mumbled my protest. "My skin burns. To hot. Don't...burns...touch...burns..."

Losing All But The Fight. (complete) updated.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora