Chapter 44

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Chapter 44.

A week passed and I felt better than ever. With Josh I'd had only minimal nightmares, allowing me to catch up on what would usually have been a month of sleep in only a little over a few days. Stretching out against the sheets I smiled at his heavy arm draped over my stomach and turned.

Josh still lay asleep with his face sunk against the pillow and I watched him continue to sleep before I couldn't take it anymore. I was to excited. I let my fingers dance up his arms until a smile broke across his face and he lifted one lid. Chuckling he closed them again. "Shh. I don't want to let you out of bed yet." He playfully scolded and pulled me closer.

I kissed him until he opened his eyes and then gave him my best pouting face. "Oh. Alright." He grumbled but I knew he wasn't really mad.

I kissed him quickly and jumped off the bed to get dressed. Josh sat up and went to the closet to find something to ware. Stepping into the bathroom I put on some light makeup and braided my hair from one side to the other with a few loose curls around my face. Josh kissed my neck as I tied off the end of my braid over my left shoulder.

"You're beautiful." He nibbled and I scrunched my neck against the tickling sensation.

Turning around I kissed him on the lips, savoring the contact as I breathed in his scent, while fixing his collar. Josh's arms snaked around to my lower back and he pulled me into him deepening the kiss. He was still so gentle though, like I would break in his arms.

I groaned when he wouldn't let me break the kiss and then when I thought I would have to pinch him he pulled away with a mischievous grin. "I know. You want a puppy." He rolled his eyes and I guided him out of the bathroom and towards the bedroom door impatiently. "You're adorable when your excited." He was trying to stall.

"Josh!" I scolded on a laugh and he swiftly picked me up making me yelp.

He kissed me with a needy passion and I couldn't help but deepen the kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck to get closer. He knew damn well what he was doing to me and I didn't care. I fed off it the same way he fed off of me and it never mattered if we got lost together, kissing him was so much more than just...well...kissing.

I felt my feet hit the ground and Josh smirked against my lips. Opening my eyes I realized he'd kissed me all the way down the stairs and into the entryway. Josh's expression said he was pretty proud of himself. "Who's trouble?" I asked and he burst into laughter before walking into the busy kitchen.

"Dad you better scarf that breakfast down." Josh ordered Jonah making him give a questioning look. "Somebody's excited." Amusement flooded Jonah's eyes.

I nudged Josh's arm and scowled before I accepted the truth. I never got excited. "Who am I kidding? Come on let's go." I begged Jonah.

Everyone laughed at my excitement as Jonah tried not to give in to fast at my impatient fidgeting. After what seemed like forever of me patiently waiting Jonah stood up and I let out a big breath. Finally. I had a feeling this is where Josh got his remarkably subtle torture techniques. By the smirk on Jonah's face he drew it out just to see if I would crack.

An hour later Jonah, Josh and I arrived at what looked to be a ranch and were greeted by the owner once we pulled up.

"Ahh, Jonah." The tall lanky man in a twins hat shook his hand. "Nice to finally meet you in person." The man turned to Josh and I briefly. "My name is Larry now lets see if we can find you the right fit."

He took his time showing us around the property and discussing some of the training the canines are subjected to and a little about how the facility is run. I was happy to hear that all the animals received a lot of social interaction and were well taken care of. I don't know what I was expecting.

Losing All But The Fight. (complete) updated.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora