Chapter 6.

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Chapter 6.

"Ahh, I see you showed up."  I heard Rick call from behind me. The locker door opened again and Tom's huge tattooed form came strolling in behind Rick giving me a smile before going to his own locker.

"Yup." I continued to wrap my hands still facing my own locker. Tonight I chose a T-shirt and tight fitted pair of stretch pants. I couldn't chance anyone recognizing my scars, each one was given with perpose. "You ready for this?" Slamming and locking my locker I turned and gave him a questioning look.

"No. I'm not ready but I did make a promise. You're in the third match."

"Good. Come get me when you're ready." I plopped down on the bench and tightened my shoes, dismissing his presence.

"You're not going to ask about the stats? Your not even curious?" Rick questioned.

I looked straight into his brown eyes and watched him nervously run a hand through his dark hair. What happened to the smooth act, I have no idea? "No." I answered flatly and went back to my shoes. "It doesn't matter."

I ignored him long enough for him to storm out of the locker room. After all he had a crowd already filling in around the back ring and fighters to round up. Bets were being placed and appearances needed to be made to please the patrons with thicker wallets.

Tom sat down and faced me as I finished up my shoes. He slid a bottle of pain relievers in front of me. Looking up at him I shook my head. I didn't need them.

"If you take them now you won't hurt so bad latter." His voice was rough. "Are you nervous?"

"I don't need them and no I'm not nervous. Are you?" I gave him a sarcastic smile and he laughed.

"Hell no! I love being in the ring." He paused and gave me a serious expression. "Your good but just stay on your toes. Nobody will blame you if you jump out."

"I'm not." I spat, feeling a bit offended.

Tom smiled. "I figured. Just checking. You just watch out for sore losers if you know what I mean. Don't take your eyes off of the other guy even if the fights called. Ok?"

Oh. I get it. He's worried about me. "Ohhh." I cooed and pinched his cheek. "You're worried about little old me?" I fluttered my lashes, faking innocence and he laughed.

Standing up he continued to chuckle. "Woman if you were the devil I would gladly go to hell." With that he walked out.

Rick came in an hour later. "You're up kid. You still sure about this?" He wore that nervous expression, again.

"Don't call me kid." I snapped. "Yes. Now stop freaked out. Thought you were supposed to be big bad Gym owner, Mr. Showmanship, all collected and smooth?" I laughed at his expression and he shook his head letting out a breath he was holding. "Sort your shit out mate and let's get this show going."

"Tom's right. You are the devil. He came out of the locker room muttering all sorts of bull about you being the the devil and him wanting to be bad enough to go to hell to be tortured by you and all your glory. I think your just trouble." Rick gave me a questioning expression. "What have you done to that man to make him behave like that. He usually doesn't talk much and almost never smiles unless its menacing. Are you a witch?"

I pushed Rick through the door and he laughed. At the end of the hall he held me back and gave the announcer the signal.

"A new addition to our ring..." The announcer's voice poured over the crowed. "And from what I here from the few who've seen this fighter work the magic inside our very own ropes." He paused feeding into the crowds building curiosity. "This night will be one to remember and we may have a very unique addition to our gym here and one to stay...Ladies and Gentlemen fighting in our corner, I give you Lex."

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