Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

An extremely pissed Ally stormed through the kitchen as I came around the counter heading from my Fathers office. Gregory and Commander Thomas followed closely behind her. Giving an angry glare at them both I was ignored. Their attention focused on my livid kitten.

"If there is some sort of breach in out system we need to know." The Commander barked at her annoyed. I began to think the worst and my eyes snapped to Ally.

"Fuck off. Just fix it." She spoke with venom storming past me on the way to the back patio door.

The Commander followed and Gregory shouted. "Where are you going?!" I stayed close ready to jump in. Going?

"Ally?" I questioned in concern with a glare for the other two. "What's going on?" My anger growing.

"Ms. Trovessa!" The Commander snapped harshly and Ally's eyes twitched with rage, as much of a flinch as she was willing to show.

"Get back in the house." Gregory's tone was ordering and only pissed her and myself off farther. How dare he order her!

"You know what?" She snapped harshly, losing her patience. "I'm not under arrest." I felt my anger flare to a boil. "So why don't you see if you can play where's Waldo on those little cameras of yours, jackass." She flipped him the bird and took off at a run.

Calling after her on last time I rounded on the other two. "What breech!?" I demanded. They ignored me and began to turn for the door. "Now!"

"You don't bark orders at me, son." The Commander glared at me and I stepped up close.

"My family. My concern." I yelled at him. "What breach!?"

"The gangster princess implied my men are incompetent." His voice defensive and his reference made me want to shove my fist down his throat. "Her intuition tells her there are not one but two gaps, apparently." The last word with a hint of sarcasm.

"So you let it escalate because you were offended by an implication?!!!" Is he kidding me? I could strangle him for his stupidity.

"How does she even know?" Gregory asked.

I stood back and looked at them both in absolute disgust before I began to feel the need to snap again. "You both fucked up."

Storming into my Father's office I slammed the door open. I wasn't keeping my anger under control anymore and he abruptly stood.

"Your friend and the Commander just can't resist treating her like a damn criminal can they!" I wasn't pissed at dad and he knew it. "She ran off to prove a point because when she brought to their attention there's a gap in surveillance by the river they decided to interrogate her instead!"

"If there is a breach we need to know." The Commander and Gregory stepped in.

"Did she not point out the problem?" I spat.

"Gregory, what is this?!" My father demanded. "Where is she?!"

"I'll send out for her." The Commander spoke.

Gregory ran a hand across his face. "I don't know how this got so out of hand? Taking off wasn't the answer."

"Considering you all listened to her yesterday it didn't occur to you it might be a good idea to do it today!" Taking a deep breath to calm myself, I looked to my father.

"Josh, go get her." "Commander I suggest you two figure out the cameras. Check to see if you can find her and give Josh a radio." My father's annoyance rang clear.

"If she crossed the property we should be sending a team." Commander Thomas argued.

"Josh is a SWAT Agent, served our military, and grew up on this property. Your team waits back. You've done enough contributing to this situation. Corner her and your done." He steps out from behind the desk. I had to give it to the retiree he still could call on one hell of a commanding presence when he needed too.

Losing All But The Fight. (complete) updated.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora