Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

I tried to sooth her the best I could by continuing to rub circles against her limp hand where I pulled it to rest in my lap. She was drained, that much I could see for myself. The way her body seemed to limply mold against the seat as if she had finally given up, the way her head rested against the window with her eyes locked outside.

"What do you feel, Alex? What's going on in that head of yours?" My father asked and I whipped my head around to glare at him. Now wasn't the time. Ally barley acknowledged that my father spoke and he gave me a warning look. "What do you think he will do?" My father's voice was soft with concern.

"I'm done, Jonah." She spoke, her voice horse with the control she was trying to keep on her emotions. She didn't want to feel anymore.

Once we got home Ally still didn't speak a word, only drug her feet up the stairs and the click of her stepping behind the bedroom door quickly followed. My father let out a long breath.

"Why did you ask dad?" I frowned, turning to him. "Did you really have to?"

My mother came to the hall and we could now see Vance and Tom in the kitchen. My father rubbed at his neck. "I had to ask because if nobody pushes her she will continue to isolate herself. I asked because she will know if Elijah will drop it. She knows how he thinks."

"I take it that the meeting was harder on her than we thought." My mother spoke waving us into the kitchen. I knew they all would want to know.

"She only visited Elijah." I spoke. "Drake would have been to much." Sinking into the chair next to my brother I put my head in my hands.

"What happened?" Tom asked.

"Dad?" Vance urged.

My father sat down and they all gave him their attention. "She held together very well during the meeting but it was really hard for her. Alexandra told her father exactly why she did it." He shook his head. "I don't think she's capable of actually confiding in someone what she's actually going through. She won't know how?" Pausing my Father looked directly at Vance. "You three need to be careful how hard you push her but she needs a little push. It will take a long time. I don't think she ever really grieved for her mother only planned on making them all pay for taking her." My mother began to tear up. "I'm betting she heard a lot through the walls when she was little. I also know some of what she has been through over the years because of hospital visits and surveillance but think of we didn't see."

"She was starting to get flashes in the visitation room and as soon as she walked out the doors she collapsed." I informed Tom and Vance. "Elijah doesn't know she gets them because she held them back. Dad and I sat in the observation room. We now know that her mother must have known she was going to be killed and Ally knew before it was about to happen." I rubbed my face. "She probably even saw it part of it." My voice cracked. "We also know that what got her branded was fighting against Domino when he tried to rape her. We know that Drake tried to sell her to Domino after she was forced to fight him again, even injured after she already beat him once as initiation." I couldn't help it anymore, my eyes watered and I hunched my back. "Elijah threatened her and she looked board! Board!"

My mother rubbed my back and I began to cry. To finally cry. "I knew she already thought she was dead but until she said it to her father I hadn't realized just how much it effected everything she does."

"What did she say dad?" Vance asked, sadly. "Tell me dad."

"She told him that he may be her father but he's never offered her life, yet, taken so much more." My father let the words settle before continuing. "After he threatened her she told him someone who already thinks they're dead will always be your most dangerous opponent. Elijah believed his daughter was his greatest creation."

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