Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

"Vance?" I asked. Josh had gone back to the hotel to shower and shave so it was only Vance and I sitting watching tv in the dark hospital room until he got back.

"Yeah?" He softly answered.

My head lulled to the side as I stared at him. "I think I need to stop taking that pain medicine. I feel weird."

"What do you mean?" He leaned closer with concern and then got a good look at my expression. "Are you in pain anymore?" I shrugged and he chuckled. "You're high. Don't think. Just enjoy it. You have us to watch over you this time."

I weakly smiled letting out a deep breath. "It just doesn't feel real." It's true. I couldn't tell if it was the drugs or my head. "I've never actually stayed in a hospital this long and then your family." I began to cry again. "Am I supposed to be this up and down. It's like everything's so intense." My emotions were out of control and I hated it because it confused the hell out of me. I cried into my pillow as Vance rubbed my back. It was really over. What happens now?

"What's wrong?" I heard Josh shuffle into the room and Vance straightened up a little still rubbing my back.

"She thinks the pain meds are making her an emotional roller coaster." Vance turned back to me. "It's ok to cry Ally Cat. I know its going to be hard for you to adjust with it all but we will help you."

I felt Josh sit down on the bed opposite Vance and I began to calm down breathing in the scent of his shampoo when I took a deeper breath.

"So it is true." Vance spoke and I turned to him. He was smiling looking between Josh and I. Giving him a look, his smirk grew and he shook his head. "I heard the doctor talking. Your pulse evens out with my brother around. He said he's never seen anything like it."

"Huh?" I looked between them both and settled on Josh.

"You were having one of those dreams before you woke up." He brushed my hair to the side and looked down at me with a soft smile. "I was so scared I wouldn't be able to wake you up." I nodded and snuggled in closer to him breathing in his scent.

"I'll let you two gets some rest." Vance stood and kissed my cheek. "The doctor says if tonight goes well he will start the paper work to send you home."

I nodded. "Thank god. I hate this fricken place."

Vance looked at me sadly. "I know. Soon, ok."

Josh covered us both up and let me lay against his chest again. "Josh?" I whispered after a while of laying in the dark.

"Hmm." His voice rumbled against my ear on his chest.

"I hate hospitals." I spoke, watching the shadows of shuffling feet under the door.

"Stop watching the door. There are two guards out there and I'm in here with you." He rubbed my arms again. "You can sleep."

Morning came and Jonah was out discussing my release papers with the doctor while I was in the bathroom trying to put on sweats. Vance brought me comfortable black and pink jogging sweats that were loose enough not to irritate my skin, but still tight enough not to move around to much. I knew he shopped specifically for the set and I loved him for it. He hated shopping.

A soft knock sounded at the door and Josh's voice floated through as I continued to study my back in the mirror. "Hey." My eyes snapped up to him before returning to the mirror again. I held the sweatshirt against my chest to shield me from anyone outside the bathroom as he opened the door enough to come in. "You ok?" Josh's eyes studied my back in the mirror over my shoulder and I couldn't handle the mixture of sadness and anger in his eyes so I avoided looking directly at his face and took a deep breath with one last look at my brand.

Losing All But The Fight. (complete) updated.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt