Chapter 28.

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Chapter 28.

I woke up with a start and Josh clenched his arms around me as his eyes flew open. He looked at his watch and then sighed looking at me.

"Two people are here." I whispered and he gave me an odd expression while he sat up. "They walk differently. Your mom is light on her feet and you and Vance only have a variation of your dads walk, just lighter because you were a fighter and your brother pulls to many fricken jokes."

He smiled. "You know Vance isn't all that bad in the ring."

I sighed and began to gather up blankets and Josh helped. "Three. One more arrived." I paused and listened. "I would rather chop your brothers light steps to him being sneaky."

Josh chuckled and pushed the blankets into the cabinet. "So how do you want to handle the meet and greet." He turned to face me and I sighed looking down at my shorts and singlet. What the hell did I ware?

Tilting my head to the side I pondered. "I really don't have a hole lot to ware? Should I meet them as they come or wait?" Vance poked his head in the room and Ally waved him in.

Shutting the door, he came in and gave her a quick hug. "Glad you got a long catnap." He teased making her smile and pinch him.

"Knock it off." She laughed and then her face turned concerned. "What's the scoop?"

"Three here. Two more of dad's guys will show up with the team." He looked at Ally. "Dad trusts them and has worked with most of them closely. The commander in charge of the seals is a close friend of dad's from before we were born. They have kept in touch."

With Josh getting dressed himself I was kind of thankful that Vance decided to be my ears downstairs. He might be the comedian out of all of us but he won't miss anything and he knows me best. I have no doubt that he will fill me in on everything that happens when I'm not in the room. Vance and I had a silent understanding of each other and he would know exactly what I would want to know.

I groaned sifting through my back pack and their was a light knock on the door. "It's Dawn. Can I come in?" I sighed and got up to answer the den door.

Giving her a sheepish grin I let her in seeing a bag in her hands. "Hey sweetheart. How ya holdin up?"

I groaned and plopped on the sofa. "I don't know what to wear and I hate stuffy men in suites."

She chuckled. "Their not so bad down there and I think only two are wearing suites. Jonah has known them for a very long time and served at one point with two of them." Dawn looked amused by my comment. "Here. I brought in a few things that might fit you."

I sighed and dug through the bag grabbing a tank top and a pair of jogging pants. "Thanks. I didn't do my laundry before I came." I shook my head and laughed half halfheartedly. Laundry was the last thing on my mind when I was about to go get those boxes.

"Yeah?" She chuckled at my tone of voice. I saw where Vance got his unique humor out of life. Her sarcasm though was more subtle. "I'll throw them in if you want."

"I'll wash them later. You're going to have a house full." I pulled off my pants and slipped on the new pair. Dawn looked thoughtfully at the sofa pillows. "Dawn?" I was curious so I prodded.

"You know Jonah and Gregory are going to push for you to have lead but they still have to do things a certain way." I gave her a long look. I felt bad for dragging her family into this. "Stop that." She narrowed her eyes at me and I pulled the tank top on and went to grab Josh's sweatshirt off the chair. It was softer than mine.

Dawn put her hand on the sweatshirt. "Wait." I sat down beside her. "You might be an exception but its going to be hard for some men to get over their egos even if they don't know they have issues." She paused. "Women are seen as something to protect and god knows we don't get enough credit." I wasn't sure where she was going with this and she dug in the bag for another top. 

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