Special Note

162 7 0

I love that I have 13 reads so far and want to say thank you.

This story seems to keep growing and I'm just rolling with it. I think I will keep adding some of my stories to watt pad even if I only get a few reads here and there. I enjoy reading everyone's stories and try to update my own quickly. I'm not a big fan of works that go without being finished and forgotten for so long. (Especially the ones with so much potential!!!)

Writing is fun. So if your a reader and submit stories to watt pad....keep on going. This sight has grown immensely since I downloaded it on my phone about a year and a half ago. I love it! I love that it allows so many creative people who might not have gotten the opportunity otherwise to share.

So please when you read...........it doesn't matter who's story it is.....think of the vote button as putting positive energy out there and encouragement to keep writing.

(The first could be great...the second better...and the next a hit.)

Don't squelch talent before it may blossom. Remember everyone's stories are personal because they are of the writers own creation. Be respectful. I haven't had any comments on my stories, but I've seen a few very harsh ones on stories that were actually very entertaining and I hope we can all remind each other that positivity goes both ways. If you don't like a story pick a different one or write your own.

Thanks Wattpad.


Losing All But The Fight. (complete) updated.Where stories live. Discover now