Chapter 4.

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Chapter 4

It's been about 7 months since Vance made his offer.

Waking up I was in a good mood. I had my coffee and spent the morning cleaning the various guns I had stashed under my bed and around the small apartment. Once I was finished I headed down to the bar for lunch.

Only a few tables on the grill side were occupied so I snuck back to the cooler seeing it open hoping to sneak up on Vance. He had a clip board in hand and was marking inventory down when I slipping behind him. I trailed a light finger down his neck and tried not to laugh as he swatted air and scratched at where my finger had been. I did it again with the same result and he went back to work.

"BOO!" I spoke into his ear and jumped back when he jumped.

"Hell! Ally Cat, you are the devil." I giggled making him smile at me. "You're in a good mood. Spill."

"I might have some work lined up that's all. How's your morning."

"That's great. What did you find? You know you can always work here." We both walked back out to the bar.

"I would probably kill your business. I'm not a people person." I frowned.

"I think you just don't want to spend so much time with me." Vance faked hurt and I laughed.

"Oh, shut up. Drama queen." I teased.

"So." He continued cleaning the bar. "What kind of job is it?"

"Don't want to jinks it." I shrugged. "I'll tell you when it pans out." Maybe.

"Is it legal?" Asked Vance, concerned.

I made a point to look like I was really thinking about it then smiled at Vance. "Yeah, it's kinda legal."

He laughed. "There is no such thing as "kinda legal" Vance motioned with air quotes and all.

"In every shade of grey there is a silver lining my friend."

Vance stopped what he was doing. "Do you really believe that?"

"I would like to."

That night when I came back from working out at the original 24-hour gym I picked I brought back my small gym bag I had locked there and opened the side door just as Vance was heading up the stairs.

"Hey! You lookin for me?" I called and he stopped with a smile and frowned when he saw the gym bag. Vance understood that keeping in shape was important to me. Hell the gym was my only hobby. Still he thought I was there to much. Everyday for four hours to him seemed asinine. He's told me a few times actually and I always change the subject. If I explained to him why it had to be this way I would have to explain much more and I didn't want to.

"Yeah, I have another project for us."

I lead him to my door and unlocked it tossing my bag to the side. "Can I shower first and then maybe we can figure it out?"

Vance wouldn't take any money from me towards some kind of rent, so I had insisted on him coming up with things for me to do to help out. Usually they are stupid painting projects or just helping him with stuff here and there, but I did it. If he didn't give me something to do I would find stuff on my own to fix.

He really was a sweet guy and kept his promise about not prying into my life. It was actually his idea that we use my nickname instead of Alex or my real name. He doesn't know it but Alex is short for the real thing. I never told him my given name or hinted on it. I told him not to ask because I couldn't tell him. He hasn't.

"Sure, you hungry?" He squeezed my shoulder and made his way to the kitchen.

"Starved. I'll shower and be out in a moment."

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